110. The Lamb and the Lion Shall Lie Down Together
"~ The Calf and the Young Lion ~"

What does it mean that the Lamb and the Lion shall lie down together without any ire? Is this just a simple saying of the peace of the Millennial Day? Or does it have further dualistic and symbolic meanings? Of course the Lion is Judah in the use of symbols. And then of course the Lamb is Jesus Christ who the Jews Crucified. Certainly this is a likely dualism in that Judah will find their peace with Christ. But scripturally there is a further parallel of two that will come to be at peace with one another. Further, it is not always put in scripture that the Lamb and the Lion shall lie down together. Scripturally, Isaiah places another representative animal of not only the Christ, but the Christ as being of Ephraim as well, into that position in his eleventh chapter to lie down together with the young lion, which is a representation of Judah (Hosea 5:14).

Now the calf or the bullock, that 'fatling' of the sacrifice is also representative of both the tribe of Ephraim and also of the Christ as the acceptible sacrifice of the covenant. And thus there is the tie-in. Jesus Christ as the head of Ephraim, of the tribe of Ephraim, shall not only 'lie' down together in peace with Judah, but they will unite together and become as one. Now just where is that symbolism and scriptural inference elsewhere given?

Now in Ezekiel it speaks of the records of the Jews and the records of Joseph or Ephraim being written and coming together as but one record. We know this to be the Bible as the recorded history of the Jews and the Book of Mormon as the current abridged representation to the world of the recorded history of the house of Joseph. (It should be noted that eventually a fuller record of the house of Joseph and Ephraim will be so combined and had which will include not only the latter-day scriptures represented in part by the Doctrine and Covenants, but also the more ancient record of the brass plates which was kept by the house of Joseph will be brought to light. This is not to mention all the various other records which the Lord has preserved which will come to light concerning both Judah and Joseph or Ephraim.) And then it further states that the children of Israel shall be gathered and that there will no more be two nations, in reference to the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel or Ephraim, but that they will be come but one nation. And that one nation will be governed by One King, even that Millenial King David which is in reference to Jesus Christ who will rule and reign over all of his people. (See Ezekiel 37:15-28)

But this is not all. The scriptures also speak of Judah and Ephraim being reconciled one to another. Is that a separate consideration or is it but one and the same as the others we have been speaking of here? Is it not a further dualistic fulfillment of the 'Calf and the Young Lion', the 'Lamb and the Lion' lying down together, becoming one reconciled people and without any ire among them?

When Christ comes again, he will come as the head of Ephraim to the New Jerusalem built upon the American Continent, the Land of Joseph. Then it will be known that Christ is the Heir of the Covenant, that covenant which was preserved by Joseph (D&C 27:10) NOT Judah. And though Jesus will continue to be recognized as to be of the bloodline of Judah, His true ancestry as being the rightful seed and heir of the house of Joseph will become fully established. And thus he will be the rightful King of both those of Israel or Ephraim and those of Judah. And they will recognize their common bond together and become forever to be one nation or kingdom under the covenant name of Israel and under heaven, never to be divided in two again.

This is the fuller meanings and implications of the scriptural references given here in this section. Jesus is the calf or bullock of Ephraim, and as the head of Ephraim and with Ephraim he and they will be reconcilled with the Jews. And they shall become one united, the Lamb and the Lion, the Calf and the Young Lion, Ephraim and Judah, Judah and Ephraim; together as Israel under their common King David, the Heir and Seed of Ephraim/Joseph being of that redeemed bloodline of Judah through the performance of Boaz unto the house of Elimelech and Mahlon.