112. The Patriarchal Order of the Kingdom of God

There is an order after which the Kingdom of Heaven is ordered, and that order is the Patriarchal Order. It has a manner and order after which it does follow. And just as in the scriptures, where such an order is mentioned but this once in the book of Abraham, much of this order has gone unwritten and unspoken as pertaining to the scriptures thus far revealed by the hand of men in accordance with the will of God. Though much is spoken of it in the church today, there is presently not a acting full order of it until that day when all will be completed, that is every soul so sealed by the saving ordinances and in place before the throne of God. Yet we speak of it and much of this earth government and order had been so accordingly rendered.

It is an order whereby the righteous firstborn is heir of the Father and does act for and in behalf of his brothers and sisters in the 'absense of the Father', as has been done by Jehovah, the same is Jesus Christ', in and concerning this second estate in which man has 'fallen' from the presence of God. It was the proper order of things establish in the days of the fathers beginning with Adam. And though many departed from it, it was again that order which was instituted by Noah, and those we do not have a full account of who remained true to that order and government which included Melchizedek and his people, which Melchizedek did reign under his father indicating and implying that that order was still being followed and adhered to by some at that day.

And to 'coin' the expression of the scriptures, so that the generations of man might roll forth unto the end of man without another univerasal destruction, though there would still be great destruction upon the earth, God did but 'wink' or close his eyes upon, placing most all men in a state of darkness according to the ways and laws of God as they so fell from them, that they might be preserved until the end of the filling of the earth. And only in such faithful families as Abraham, through the patriarchal order, did the priesthood remain, it being denied unto the bulk of the world, including as stated in Abraham to those who were descendants of Pharaoh. And this not to any discrimination by God, other than his desire for the preservation of men in the earth until the days of fulfillment in the fulness of time when all would then come into the blessings and the covenants of God, according to their righteousness and potential. Thus one must consider that Pharaoh, being righteous, but lacking the priesthood in his day, would be one such as would have the full blessings of heaven in the final day of the Lord.

Now just as that Patriarchal Order is the order of heaven, it is that order by which that which is done in the earth is done, by that same priesthood of God. And in this thing would the order of the things of God follow a true order after that order in all things unto the accomplishment of all righteousness. And in this thing one must truly consider that Christ in all things did perform according to all the laws of God in righteousness. He kept the lesser Law of Moses, and thus just as logically he would have kept the higher Law of God, of the Melchizedek Priesthood, and that Priesthood of the Patriarchal Order after the Order of the Son of God.

It is this higher little spoken of order of the priesthood which would have required of Jesus to be a son of the covenant, even as pertaining to the genealogy of man. Now we know that the name of Israel and that the covenant of Abraham was given by Jacob upon the heads of Joseph and his sons and that primarily through Ephraim would the seed and blessings of the covenant, the 'firstborn of Israel' come. Now Jesus Christ was the first born son of Mary, and by that right and the various adoptions of Joseph, and the father of Mary unto consideration of the lineage of David was Christ made the rightful heir to the throne of the house of David. In a like manner Jesus Christ, in order to fulfill all righteousness in the higher order of the Patriarchal \ order of things, he would needs been that same rightful heir of the covenant of Abraham, which did but come through Issac, Jacob, Joseph, and thence to Ephraim, Nun, Joshua, Elimelech, Mahlon, Obed, Jesse and thence through the house of David, until it did rest upon Jesus Christ, that he by that right of that priesthood lineage was the rightful reigning high priest of that true Patriarchal Order of God on earth which had come down through the fathers, from Adam to Enoch to Noah; From Melchizedek to Abraham, to Issac, to Jacob; And from Jacob to Joseph and thence to Ephraim and the rightful linage of Ephraim dowm through Joshua, Elimelech, Obed, Jesse and the house of David; And from thence even down to Christ by that same genealogy as set forth in the scriptures which made him the Son of David and heir to both the crown and the priesthood, to rule and reign as the head of Israel, as that rightful heir of Joseph of Egypt and the covenants of the fathers.

Thus beyond that which has previously been presented as to the true order of the descent of the priesthood, let it here be so stated that Jesus Christ at his Second Coming will stand at the head of the Patriarchal Order of God the Father in the stead of the Father in all things. And this not only because he is the Firstborn Son in the Spirit and the Only Begotten Son of God in the flesh, but also in order to fulfill all righteousness, it will be so set forth that his is also that rightful covenant heir of the Patriarchal Order of man from Adam to Abraham to Joseph through David unto Jesus Christ. And that genealogy, like that eventual celestial genealogy will have occasions of adoptions according to the Laws of God which where need be will fill in and continue the covenant lines connecting them back and through all their rightful courses to those from and through whom them came.

This is the Order of Heaven and of Earth, and by which Earth will be restored to heaven and the Kingdom of God. And that order and that covenant came down through Joseph and NOT through Judah. Thus at some point in some manner Christ needs be of the seed of the house of Joseph to so qualify unto it. And as it is in and through the house of David, Christ being the Son of David, it must be so considered that David was not only King of Israel by office ordination but by that Patraiachal Order that rightful Patriarchal head of Israel in his generation until he fell from the grace of God. But through him both after and before we must look to those connections to and from the house of Joseph. And in the book of Ruth it does seem that that Patriarchal Order is so set forth by the house of Elimelech being that family of Ephrathites or Ephraimites through whom from Mahlon to Obed, the blessings of the covenant did come. And thus also back from Elimelech to Joshua who was the rightful heir of Ephraim in his day.

Now we are given to understand the the Father and the Son are two distinct and individual entities and persons, separate and apart from each other. Yet in many respects, Jesus Christ stands as the Father, even unto being the express image of the person of the Father (Hebrews 1:3). Thus in one sense, since Jesus looked like the father, like father like son, then if one has seen the son they have seen what the Father is also. But this goes beyond the mere image of head, shoulders, knees and toes; eyes, ears, mouth and nose. The Son mirrors the Father in more than physical attributes. He stands in the stead of the Father in all things, being so anointed from the beginning. Thus in very attributes and purpose and also in that priesthood order of God is the Son the image of the Father.

And thus, though the meanings and implications are many in that Christ is the Father, being as the Father in all things, I can not help but consider that being that proper and most correct Patriarchal Father in the order of God is truly one of those things in which the Son was and is the image of the Father. For by being the proper and correct Patriarchal Father in the priesthood order of the Father, in that Order of God, Christ but stands as the legal and rightful head of God's family in respect to this second estate on earth. And it is the highest implication and meaning in God's Order and kingdom to so be the rightful Patriarchal Head. This is the true Patriarchal Order, and the Order of the Priesthood after the Order of the Son of Man.

Thus just as Adam was that rightful head in the beginning, so was Noah that head in his dispensation and by proper genealogical descent. And so was Abraham in his generation, and Isaac and Jacob. And thus it was next to Joseph and then Ephraim after him, on down to even Jesus Christ being that heir and Patriarchal head of the rightful house of David, after that proper and correct order, the Patriarchal Order by descent even from the house of Joseph by way of being the seed of Ephraim. Yes, it has been before said, but in that consideration of the Son being the express image of the Father in all things, not just physical appearance, it ought to be said and stressed again.

And thus it is that the proper Patriarchal Order of Heaven would seem and does dictate that Jesus be both of that Heavenly Order of Heaven, being the firstborn of all creatures in the spirit of the Father (Col. ) and also after that same order as institued on earth since Adam. That is after the proper order of the fathers from such as Adam to Enoch to Noah and then thence from Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and Joseph, even Jesus Christ in that same line of logic of his baptism performed to fulfill all righteousness, ought to and must be of the legal and lawful descent of Abraham through Issac, Jacob, Joseph and Ephraim who was set forth by and under the very hand of Jacob, who was Israel, to be put in the stead of Reuben the firstborn son of Jacob and the heir of the 'covenant birthright' which was from the earthly fathers linage from Adam down to Ephraim and from Ephraim through such as Nun and Jehoshua (Joshua), who was so named by Moses after Jehovah (Jehovah - Delieverer as Jehoshua Deut.), and from thence through such as Elimelech and Mahlon the Ephrathites of Bethlehem and thence through Obed's Law of God's to be raised as the seed of the dead and as said son of Naomi, wife of Elimelech through the vicarious surrogate Boaz who married Ruth and performed unto the law, making Obed and his son Jesse, that Ephrathite of Bethlehem, and his son David the patriarchal heir of the birthright of Ephraim to being the authorized ancestor of the House of David and eventually Jesus Christ through the motherhood of Mary and the adoptive parentage of Joseph the carpenter of Nazareth. And thus Jesus was of that Heavenly Order of the Patriarchal Priesthood according to the descent of earthly parentage as well as being the Only Begotten Son of the Father in the flesh in and through that communitive power of the Holy Ghost between God and Man. And thus it becometh to fulfill all righteousness that Jesus was and is Messiah ben Joseph, the same being Messiah ben Ephraim as well as Messiah ben David.