123. "My People" in the Fulness of Times

In the Lord's preface to the Doctrine and Covenants, which is the Lord's introduction to the world of the Doctrines and Covenants of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ to the fullfilling of the Covenant of Abraham of the blessings of the nations and of the Promises of the Fathers from Adam to Joseph (D&C 27:10) and his Son Ephraim; which is to be taken to the world under the administration of Ephraim as assisted by Manasseh the two sons of Joseph; the Lord makes a distinction between the testimony of the Jews and the latter day revealed knowledge of the Fulness of the Gospel to 'his people', the seed of Joseph.

This topic has been discussed before, but from the frame of reference of prophetic understanding of the events of the latter-days, it is here presented again. For it is and will be as they of Joseph become more fully converted to the Lord in their time of 'wilderness' development, the saints will be given that fuller light and knowledge by the additional revelations of the Lord to come to understand that they as the seed of Joseph are more particularly the Savior's, Jesus', own particular people. And this in that by the right of the covenant through the legal right of the Law of God, has the blessings of the Covenant been preserved and have prevailed, not by the seed of Judah, but by and through the seed of Joseph as explained in the Doctrine and Covenants section 27 verse 10.

And this is the whole of the point of this presentation, that Jesus is the seed of that Covenant through whom the covenant was preserved. And that is Joseph, not Judah. That through the adoption of the Law of God, of raising up seed to the dead, which Mahlon was, and we in another more particular way are; that is that very law of Levirate Marriage, Obed was the heir and seed of the Covenant which came down to and through Joseph to Ephraim and likely from Ephraim to Nun and Joshua and thence down to and through Elimelech and Mahlon, and thence to Obed as the legal and rightful seed of the Covenant to Mahlon by the vicarious performance of the redeeming Boaz. Obed was the firstborn son of Ruth, the wife of Mahlon, who Boaz complied as the near kinsman brother of raising up seed to the dead. Obed was the heir of Mahlon and Elimelech and thus also the heir of the Covenant which did remain in force coming down through the seed of Joseph. And thence it came to Obed, and from Obed to Jesse, and from Jesse through his son David's posterity even unto Jesus Christ himself. And though the Melchizedek Priesthood is without father and mother and is bestowed upon whomever God would bestow it upon; the lineal descent of the Covenant is ancestral from Father to Son. And Christ's right in the Covenant to fulfill all righteousness did come by and through his descent from the House of Elimelech, that Ephrathite or Ephraimite of Bethlehem.

And as the saints of the latter day come to more fully receive unto themselves the testimony and knowledge of Christ which the restored knowledge from heaven reveals, they will come to recognized that they are his people, the very people of Joseph and of the Covenant. And this apart from Jesus' blood descent through the loins of Judah, being the stronger legal and rightful descent of the promised Covenant of the Fathers through Abraham to Joseph and thus to Jesus Christ and even thence to 'his people', the people of Joseph, the rightful branch of Israel, through whom the covenant did remain and will be totally fulfilled unto all the world, that all may become the sons of Abraham by the right of the covenant, which is according to the laws of adoption of God the Father which are stronger than blood as they are of the spirit of righteousness and truth.

Joseph's Blessing Fulfilled in the Fulness of Times

Joseph, that is Epharim, is the Lord's firstborn (Jeremiah 31:9). So just when and how are those blessing of the 'firstborn' to be fulfilled in Ephraim and how? Ephraim as the Kingdom of Israel was scattered and sifted among the nations of the earth, the first to be so scatterd and Judah, the kingdom thereof remained for a time. So when but the latter days, when Ephraim is to be called up to presiding over the gathering again all of Israel, are the blessings of the 'firstborn' of the Lord to be realized upon Ephraim who is Israel? And by what right does Jesus a Jew by blood descent stand at the head of this taking the Gospel to the world by the seed of the firstborn Ephraim if the Lord himself is not the rightful and legal heir of Ephraim and the Covenant of Abraham and the Promised of the fathers which only remained in and through Joseph not Judah?

As we of the latter day Church of Jesus Christ come to realize that we not only are the seed of Abraham by and through our associated established by the ordinances of the church of father Abraham, but that we are also the very sons and daughter of Jesus Christ, who stands as the head of that Covenant by right—And that right is both of the right of eternity as Jesus is the Firstborn of the Father in the spirit and the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh, but also as well, in order to fullfill all righteousness, that Jesus is also the earthly legal heir of the covenant by the rights of the Laws of God as the heir of Elimelch and Mahlon to that Covenant so preseved only in and through the descendancy of earthly seed from Adam to Enoch to Noah to Abrham to Isaac and Jacob and thence only through and by Joseph to Ephraim and from Ephraim in and through Elimelech an Mahlon and to Obed by his being raised up as the seed of the dead Mahlon, and thence from Obed to Jesse and through the seed of the son of Jesse's son David unto even Jesus Christ himself, the son of Mary by birth and of Joseph the carpenter by right of common law, the heir of not only the Royal Crown of the House of David, but also the rightful and legal heir by the genealogy of man to the Covenant of Abraham, which is one step beyond the right of a priest of Melchizedek placing him as the 'head' of the Covenant and the rightful heir of all its keys of administration to the inhabitants of this Second Temporal Estate.

Where it Had Been unto the Jews before,
Its is Now unto Those of Joseph, the Lord's People

This is the prevailing theme of the latter day restoration. Understated in its beginning as not to totally upset the cart of Traditional Christianity all at once. But as the time comes near unto fulfillment, it will fully come out that it is in and through Israel, that is Israel under the leadership of the rightful heir, Joseph and his sons Ephraim and Manasseh, that the nations of the earth will come to worship and be blessed, and further come to stand under the true guidance of the hand of the Lord Jesus Christ as the head of the Church and rightful heir of the Covenant of Joseph as The Seed of Joseph in his rule over the Land and People of Joseph, who are His People. And this to the end that only in and through coming unto the rightful heirs of the covenant, as restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith, a pure Ephraimite, as the head of this last dispensation of the Fulness of Times which is to usher in the Millennial Reign of the right Head, King and Lord unto all the peoples of the earth who come in at the rightful gate, which is the gate of Jesus Christ as established in and throught he seed of the covenant, the seed of Joseph, Jesus Christ himself so qualifying to be of such as the heir of the covenant by his rightful and legal descent of the House of Joseph according to the Laws of God and of the Covenant of the Fathers.