130. The Ephraimite Perspective
Every Nation, Kindred, Tongue and People

Previously it has been discussed concerning the Jewish perspective, that all has been kept by and from the skewed position of the Jews. And even though the whole of this text does in contrast to that present Messiah ben Joseph from such perspective of Joseph and Ephraim, the whole of the matter has yet to be fully addressed primarily from the Ephraimite perspective as opposed to the Judtie perspective. And perhaps the full position of that perspective will not nor cannot be fully consided unto such events as when the full 'stick' of Joseph is revealed, that is the brass plates as kept by the descendants of Joseph.

Historically the Jews have not only taken to the exculsion of Gentiles or non-Israelites, but they have also been so exclusive as to exclude such as the Samaritans and to further second class any who may have converted to their brand of Jehovah worship. In this Jews only, as the sons of Abraham attitude, the Jews have offered the world but a 'gospel' of exculsion as opposed to a gospel of inclusion. It is from the very Ephraimite perspective that the gospel or worship of God, Jehovah and the Father, becomes a gospel of inclusion. It is a gospel unto every nation, kindred, tongue and people. None are left out. All who do come unto Christ may and are to be included.

It is from this 'new' perspective of inclusion that one may benefit if now one does turn one's of perspective to that of an Ephraimite perspective and return to the scriptures for understanding from the vantage point of Israel as of Ephraim and his companions being all who do come unto the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is as John proclaimed, all may become sons and daughters of Abraham, 'even of these 'stones' (that is these gentiles), can and does God raise up Children of Abraham. All may become and may be considered as Israel, that is those who do prevail in the Lord.

And from that perspective, no longer is Jehovah the God of the Jews, but Jehovah is Jesus Christ, Messiah ben Joseph and Messiah ben David, the God of the whole earth, every people and nation. As opposed to the perspective of the Jewish, Jehovah is not only God to those who are literally 'prue' sons and dauthers of Abraham, if ever such there was. But the Lord God Jehovah as Jesus Christ does include all as sons and daughters of Abraham, all as Children of Israel, all as sons and daughters of Adam. All are includable who but come unto him and follow after his truth, light, path and way. Even the Jews are not to be excluded but also included in direct contrast to the type of exclusion which they had upheld in their treatment and consideration of the gentiles and Samaritans, that they were less than themselves and not to be included as being sons and daughters of God as they themsleves exclusively were.

This pattern of inclusion and exclusion was even seen in the difference between the Jews of Jesus day and Jesus Christ himself. Jesus would eat and mingle with all people, sinners, publicans, Samaritans and so forth. The Jews tended to reject Jesus based upon this attitude exhibited by the Savior. And though Jesus pointed out that he was sent to call sinners to repentance, the Jews did not mercifully offer such unto others, but only to Jews as they considered themselves to be God's chosen people, destaining all others and living the hypocritical position of being better than other men, being the only ones who could be of the covenant and redeemable by God.

Every Nation, Kindred, Tongue and People

Though Isaiah does allude to it in such as Isaiah 40:4-5, it seems to be that it was a prophet of the brass plates which Nephi does qoute from in the only pre-New Testament scripture which does include 'every nation, kindred, tongue, and people to be blessed' (1 Nephi 19:17). And only beginning in the book of Revelation, where the apostle John sees the latter days, does that combination of words appear (Revelation 5:9 and Revelation 14:6). True, Jesus Christ did send out his apostles and ordained ministers to all the world, but it only a very Book of Mormon and latter day perspective, a perspective of Joseph, which includes the concept that 'every nation, kindred, tongue and people' are to be so included in Christ's, that is God's, eternal plan (1 Nephi 19:17, 2 Nephi 26:13, Mosiah 3:20, Mosiah 15:28, Mosiah 16:1, Alma 9:20, Alma 37:4, and Alma 45:16).

It would seem that though such prophets as Zenos (1 Nephi 19:16) had taught such in Old Testament days, it was only the stick of Joseph brass plate record which preserved such; as the Jews and the Old Testament had become exculsive of all such others. Thus it was in the Book of Mormon, that 'stick of Joseph', that it may be seen as having been preserved and taught. And it is very much the position of the restored gospel, as by and through the remanent of Joseph in Ephraim, that it has remained and is preserved to the blessing of every nation as to the covenant made by God with Abraham (D&C 77:8, 11; D&C 133:37 & Gensis 12:3; Abraham 2:11; with D&C 90:10; D&C 88:84, 87-92; D&C 43:23-30; D&C 42:58-60).

And this is the perspective of Joseph, of Ephraim, of Messiah ben Joseph, that our Lord is Lord unto all nations, kindreds, tongues and people. And through Ephraim is the gospel to go forth to all the ends of the earth. And though so stated by the Lord as recorded by Matthew to this intent and purpose, it was still not fully understood and comprehended as it is in this latter day perspective of Ephraim. And that is that we are to:

And this with Jesus being both Messiah ben David and Messiah ben Joseph, NOT to the exclusion of Judah as Judah did and has excluded Ephraim, but to the inclusion of Judah as well. For the restored gospel and fullness thereof is unto all mankind through the administration of Ephraim with Christ, Messiah ben Joseph/David at its head, to the glory and salvation of all who but come unto him. To this I testify, Amen.

Why the Book of Mormon

A question often asked and considered is why do we need the Book of Mormon? In consideration of the many answers suggested, I would here submit one additional reason, and that reason in association with this current topic. And that reason would be to help us return or turn from a skewed perspective of Juday to a lost perspective of Joseph, Ephraim and Israel. For indeed, also, this Book of Mormon is a very critical part of the record or stick of Joseph. It tells of a remnant branch of Joseph, not only both of those who are descended from Ephraim and Mannasseh, but also further a group of those who are descended from King David, David being the grandson of Obed, the legal and lawful son of Mahlon and grandson of Elimelech, Ephrathites or Ephraimites of Bethelem, that Bethlehem which was in Judea of the kingdom of the Jews according to the division between Israel and Judah.

Reading Scripture from the Israelite/Ephraimite Perspective

In the beginning when Jehovah was selected and prevailed over Lucifer with and in God the Father, Jehovah was given the added name/title of 'Israel', for he had prevailed with God. Thus when the Lord gave the name of 'Israel' unto Jacob, he was but giving that name of his own to Jacob, for Jacob like Jehovah had so 'prevailed with God'. And thence from Jacob did Jacob give and bestowed that name of Israel upon Ephraim (JST Gensis 48). And further from the Israelite perspective so has that name of 'Israel' been as a family name, given of/to Jehovah, given of/to Jacob, and thence to Ephraim and so given as that name of 'Israel' which is so prophesied that God the Father would so call his son Israel/Jesus out of Egypt. And this Israelite perspectie so ties the family to gether, as even with that 'mother of Israel' prophesied by Jeremiah and referenced by Matthew as being Rachel who did weep for her children, even Israel. Recall that it was Matthew who had sat with the other apostles those times that Jesus did unfold and expound upon the scriptures to them, which scriptures did so testify of him (Make 4:34, Luke 24:27, 3 Nephi 23:14 etc.). So when Matthew references such as Hosea and Jeremiah as speaking of such as Christ and mother Rachel, we must understand that he speaks with the backing of the authority of having herd of such from the mouth of Jesus himself.