27. Other Traditional Items in History
When a religion fails and wanes into corruption, the truth of matters are
no longer to be found in the appostate structure that remains and may only
be found in part by sifting through the lesser and more remote traditions
of the common people rather then in the recorded tenents of belief or
disbelief as found upon the formalized pages of the remaining strutured
faith. Such is the case of Judism today. From modern revealed scripture
and revelation we understand that Adam was well versed in the Gospel Principles
of Christ the Redeeming Messiah. We know that Moses and others of the prophets
did teach of Christ the Messiah. And we know that many of the faithful
Jewish disciples and appostles of Christ in Christ's own day did understand
much about the Messiah which the Judism of that day and today denies.
When such corruption existed amoung the Pharisees, Saducees, scribes, rabbis,
and priests, as it did before and during Christ's own day, it falls further
into decay as compiling editors of the scriptural texts and the very esteemed
teachers of the religion input their own corrupt understandings and
interpretations before the eyes and hears of the people. What then results is
small threads of truth mingled with the philosophies and contrivances of
men. Yet with some care and guided by the fact that there is much revealed
truth modern revelation and scripture to be used as a guide, some of these
'threads of truth' may be retrieved in part by a review of the 'traditions'
and 'legends' and writings of the Jews. Even some inadvertantly, as the Jewish
leader's proclamation recorded by John, wherein the stated, 'Say we not well
that thou art a Samaritan?' Now for part of this section we will look
directly at some of these 'threads of tradition' and then for the other part,
we will look at what the New Testament indicates was still understood at the
time of Christ.
Threads of Truth in the Jewish Traditions
While it should be understood that such 'traditions' are to be written from
a 'Jewish' perspective and thus having a 'Jewish skewed bias, what are the
chances that such traditions would show threads of truth reflecting that
the Messiah, the 'true Messiah', should be legally and rightfully of the seed
and house of Joseph? Remember, the premise of this
presentation is that Boaz, of the tribe of Judah, is indeed the bloodline
ancestor of Christ, but that since Boaz was raising up seed to the dead,
the legal and rightful line of inheritance and seed of the birthright
covenant is through Mahlon and Elimelech, Ephrathites or Ephraimites of the
seed of Joseph of Egypt. Now what are the chances that a 'Jewish' held
traditional view would reflect just such a circumstance? Let's read one:
My son said to me: "What is this superiority?" I said to him. "Behold, the
Messiah is the firstborn, and on his father's side he is of the tribe of
Judah, but on his mother's side of the tribe of Reuben the firstborn, although
a little of the birthright was given to Joseph. And all this
is from his bodily aspect, but from the aspect
of his soul he is a descendant of Joseph who took the essence of the
birthright from Reuben; and, also, he was the first born of his mother
Rachel." ~ 'Sefer haHezyonot', Hayyim Vital, p. 106
Now from a 'Jewish perspective' it would be understandable that the
'bloodline' of Boaz would take on a more prominant role as stated by Hayyim
Vital, that the Messiah's 'bodily asspect' was of the blood line or from
between the feet of the tribe of Judah. This is as we have been pointing out
in this text. Yet it is fully conceded that from the 'aspect of his soul he
is a descendant of Joseph'. How else might a Jew report such a fact that Boaz
the Jew was the father by blood, but Ephraim and Joseph were the rightful and
legal ancestry of the Messiah under the Laws of God as given in the Law of
Moses? Remember, we are pulling threads of truth out of Jewish tradition,
which does not accept the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but does
recognize the Messiah. In this respect their Jewish understanding ought to be
expected to be somewhat corrupted in their understanding. As to the matter of
Reuben being the firstborn, it is clearly stated that Joseph/Ephraim replaced
Reuben because Reuben was not worthy, and Jacob so blessed Ephraim above
Manasseh (Genesis 48, JST Genesis 48, 1 Chronicals 5:1-2). A Jew might just
express it as though 'Joseph took it' from Rueben though more correctly it was
Reuben's own actions which lost it, just as was the same consideration in how
Jacob 'took it' or received it when Esau lost that same birthright blessing.
For Judah did resent that Joseph was to be Jacob's and the Lord's 'firstborn'
(Jeremiah 31:9) and received the blessings of the covenant as that was the
birthright (1 Chronicals 5:1-2). All considered, this is quite a remarkable
statement for a Jew of Judism to make. Remember most Jews reject that the
Messiah was to be the Son of God the Father, thus the direct fatherhood of
Judah is given in this statement. Yet it does come as close to the truth of
the matter as one would expect such a Jew to state.
In an age where many Jews of Judism has divided the Messiah into two, it is
not easy to find the threads of truth which will state that the Messiah is
of the house of Joseph through his son Ephraim. Yet some among Judism do
understand that the right of the firstborn and the birthright does come
through Ephraim to the Messiah, and that though Judah hold a bloodline to
him through Boaz, by right it is Ephraim who is the rightful ancestor. Here
is another such statement from the Rabbinical writings which so testify.
Note: it is often that God the Father is referenced as the 'Holy One'.
"The Holy One, blessed be He, will cause Ephraim, His
True Messiah, to put on a garment radiance [which] will reach from
one end of the world to the other. And Israel will use its light and say:
"Happy the hour in which he was created! Happy the womb from which he issued!
Happy the generation whose eyes see him! Happy the eye which waited for him!
For the openning of his lips is blessing and peace, and his speech is a
pleasure of the spirit, and the thoughts of his heart are safety and
security. Happy is the eye which was worthy the [that] see him, for the words
of his tongue are foregivness and pardon for Israel. His prayer is sweet
savor; his supplication--purity and holiness. Happy are his fathers who
deserved the goodness of the world which is preserved for eternity and
which is like a bride who adorns herself with her garments . . . " ~
(Pes. Rab. ch. 36)
It is extrodinary that it is Ephraim to which this tradition points as being
the 'True Messiah'. Yet it should be very understandable. For Abraham
sought and received the blessings of the promises of the fathers which
included the gospel plan of salvation including the ancestry of the Messiah
who would bring it about. Isaac inherited it from his father. Jacob
inherited it from his father. And Joseph was the chosen of Jacob who
inherited it next. And then Ephraim was placed before Manasseh under the
hand of Jacob. And Ephraim was placed as Jacob's firstborn of the birthright,
Rueben having not been worthy. And the Lord himself proclaims Ephraim to be
his firstborn. Ephraim was to whom the fulfilling of the Abrahamic Covenant
was intrusted. This not only included bring the gospel to the nations of the
earth in the latter-days, but by right, the birthright of the firstborn. And that
included the ancestry to the Messiah. And that right of birth of the covenant
was fulfilled in righteousness according to the Law of Moses as Boaz raised
up seed to the dead house of Ephraim, which Mahlon and Elimelech were.
Of course even in the case of Joseph, Mary's husband, even he was but the
'adoptive father' of this earth, as the true father of the Messiah was God
the Father of Spirits, Christ being the literal Son of God. So when the
Messiah is promised to be the 'seed' of the covenant, adoption is that
legitimate avenue as God was Jesus' actual father, Jesus being the 'Only
Begotten of the Father in the flesh. And all other earthly ancestral fathers
may one be so deemed 'adoptive' in their way of the Messiah being of thier
ancestral 'seed'.
From that chapter are additional quotes which can be stated, but in interest
of length, only the critical phrases are here further cited.
"The Fathers of the World will in the future rise up in the month of Nissan
and will speak to him: 'Ephraim, our True Messiah, Even though we are your
fathers, you are greater than we, for you suffered because of the sins of our
children, and cruel punishments have come upon you the like of which have not
come upon the early and the later generations . . .'
"And the Messiah answers them: 'Fathers of the World! Everything I did, I did
only for you and your children, and for your honor and for the honor of your
children, so that they should enjoy this happiness the Holy One, blessed be
He, has alloted to Israel.'
"R. Shim'on ben Pazi said, "In that hour the Holy One, blessed be He, raised
up the Messiah unto the heaven of heavens and spread over him the splendor of
His Glory from the nations of the world . . . And He says to him: 'Ephraim,
Our True Messiah, be you the judge over these peoples, and do to them
whatever your soul wishes,' . . . And the Holy One, blessed be He, says to
him: 'Ephraim, My True Messiah, fear them not, because all of them will die
from the breath of your lips.'
" . . . 'Pious of the world! So far Epharim, My True Messiah, has not taken
one half of his sufferings. I still have one measure that I shall give him,
which no eye has ever seen . . . ' In that hour the Holy One, blessed be He,
calls the North Wind and the South Wind, and says to them, 'Come honor
Ephraim, My True Messiah, and spread before him all kinds of spices from the
Garden of Eden . . . " ~ (Pes. Rab. ch. 36)
And there is one more which seems to reflect such a conversation between
God the Father and 'Ephraim, The True Messiah' who we know to be Jesus
Christ, the same as Jehovah, which is quite remarkable to be listed appart
by its self.
Their sins will be upon you like a yoke of iron. They will
choke your spirit. Because of their sins, Your tongue will cleave to the
roof of your mouth. Do you accept this? If not, I well remove the decree
from you. The Messiah replies: "Master of the worlds, how long will this
last? G-d replies: "Ephraim, my true Messiah, ever since the six days of
creation you have taken this ordeal upon yourself. At this moment, your pain
is my pain". Messiah replies: "Master of the worlds, I accept this with
gladness in my soul, and joy in my heart, so that not a single one of the
House of Israel should perish. Not only for those alive, but also the dead.
It is enough that the servant be like the Master. ~ (Midrash Pesqita
Rabbah 36)
While not all can be considered 'gospel' the stiking imagery is very clear.
The 'Fathers of the World' are none other than those of Adam, Enoch, Noah,
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Ephraim from whom the 'True Messiah' is
come. That the 'True Messiah' suffers for those children of Israel of the
Covenant, and all those who by covenant ordinance do bind themself to Israel,
by whom the blessing of God the Father, the 'Holy One' has sent to redeem them
is quite clear. And that it is the one 'True Messiah' who does perform this
is quite remarkable to find so clearly preserved in the Rabbinical writings.
Now there are many references in the Rabbinical writings to Messiah Ben
Joseph. But they are so entrenched in the concepts of the 'split' or 'divided'
Messiahs, which separate out the two major roles and comings of the Messiah
into two segments. And they have further confused the issue with mixing
the 'suffering Messiah' with later latter-day prophets whose role are
separate from the Messiah, that further reference to such would seem only to
confuse rather than to enlighten. And we have addressed this division and
later addressed the manner and means by which such division of the one Messiah
into two can be resolved through a process of reuniting Him through the
true understanding of Jesus Christ and coming to know just who it is that He
Is ~ I AM.
I AM of Ephraim
Though having often be backed out of the 'dual' Messiah, the Messiah being
of Ephraim is very much a part of the traditions writings. And they further
tie him being he that will bring about the resurrection from the dead. When
removed from any contrived time stipulation consider the following in
describing the Messiah and his missiion. Remember the 'Holy One' would be
God the Father. I've take a liberty of adding in brackets notes of considered
correlation to what we know of him.
"In that hour the Holy One, blessed be He, will crown the Messiah and place a
helmet of salvation upon his head, and give him splender and radiance, and
adorn him with clothes of honor, and stand him up on top of a high mountain
[as an Ensign to the nations] in order to bring glad
tidings to Israel. And he will let it hear with his voice: 'Salvation is
near!' And Israel will say; 'Who are you?' And he will say:
'I am Ephraim.'
And Israel will say: 'Are you the one whom the Holy One, blessed be He, called
"Ephraim, my firstborn [see 1 Chronicles 5:1-2; Jeremiah
31:9; Genesis 48; Colossians 1:13-18; D&C 93:21-22], Ephraim is my darling
son to Me?' and he will say: 'Yes.' And Israel will say to him: 'Go and
bring glad tidings to them that sleep in Machpela, that they should rise
first." ~ (Pirqe Mashiah, BhM 3:73)
Perhaps and likely at one time ancient scripture did once pronouce Ephraim to
be God's chosen 'darling son' but such is today only found in Rabbinical
Yet Ephraim is clearly stated to be the 'firstborn' and rightful heir to
the birthright. Now this particular reference continues on to describe the
resurrection from the grave as presided over by Messiah Ephraim from a Jewish
Rabbinical perspective calling first Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob [noted missing
is Ephraim's immediate father Joseph who was also a father of the firstborn
birthright, but this is after all a Jewish perspective] forth from the
grave. And in the Jewish imagery, when they ask who it is that has raised
them, the answer is given, "I am the Messiah of the Lord. Salvation is near,
the hour is near."(ibid)
And there are a number of such references associating the seed of Rachel,
Joseph, and Ephraim with that of the Messiah. But many of these are so
convoluted and entrenched into the division of the Messiah into the two
elements of the 'suffering Messiah' and the 'conquering triumphant and
glorious Messiah', stipulated as Messiah Ben Joseph and Messiah Ben David,
separately and detailed by the contrived details of the supposed and imaged
latter-day events, that other than to refer to them would seem but too
much of a confusion to be of use in this presentation.
New Testament Indicators
It is quite obvious from the pages of the New Testament as written by the hand
of the converted Jews of Jesus' day, that many of the Jews did still well
understand the Messiah to be considered to be the Son of God. Today's Judism
commonly denies that any is to be the 'Son of God.' And they hold that there
is but one God and he never is to come among us. True they may look for
prohecied delivers, but they consider them to be but men and not the actual
Son of God. Thus the traditions and understandings of may of the Jews in the
day of Christ were much different from those of the Jewish faith today. Even
many 'Christian' faiths tend to remove Christ from the divine, and make him
but a man and mere prophet of God, and not the literal Son of God. But such
has always been the case.
Adam taught his children well, but through disbelief they fell into a state
of wickedness, no longer understanding and knowing the things of God. And
God did, in his mercy, destroy them to save them from their 'fallen' state.
Then once again with Noah, the true principles would have been taught to
his sons and the children of men. But in the Sumerian Babel and Egyptian
Arena, and other such evolving cultures, the truth again became lost,
corrupted by the teachings of the philosophies and preferences of men seeking
not the things of God but the things of this earth. And Babel was destroyed.
Even Moses would have well instructed all of Israel in his day in the true
meanings of things and in Christ. But agian, dispite all the prophets and
their teachings, the people did but mock and even murder the prophets of God
and their religion did become an appostate corruption though often mixed with
the Laws of Moses. Such is also the tales of the Book of Mormon cultures of
the Jaredites and the descendants of Lehi, Ishmael, and Mulek. What was once
true religion did fail and fall in to corruption.
And even so, much of what did happen to remain unto the day of Christ, is as
evidenced by the New Testament perpsectives of the Jews of that day toward
Christ, and have since been lost in false traditons and rewriting the records
by the interpretaions of uninspired men. But it is often still of worth to so
sift trough traditional belief, though false as much of it is, to find some
last and lasting perspective of truth which do tie the present corruption
to its true and correct previous beginnings.
Thoughout this work, such a process has been undertaken. It is seen that
Philip when first reports his discovery of the true Messiah come, states,
'Moses and other prophets did write that Jesus was to be of Nazareth and that
they had also writen that Jesus was to be the son of Joseph or Messiah Ben
Joseph.' And this is Philip of Bethsaida who knew not Christ personally
prior to his discovery as being the sought after Christ, reporting to
Nathanael that the 'Messiah Ben Joseph' of Nazareth as prophesied by Moses
and the prophets had been found. Philip was not pointing out in his
declaration that Christ was the son of Joseph the carpenter. He was pointing
out that Jesus was the promised descendant of Joseph of Egypt, the 'shepherd'
even the very 'stone and rock of Israel' as prophecied in the sciptures.
The fact that this and many other prophecies of Christ as referenced by the
New Testament writers can no longer be found in the Jewish cannon of the
Old Testament Bible is but proof that the once true religion of the Jews does
continue to deterorate into corruption. It does seem that even the Pharisees
of Jesus' day well understood that Jesus was to be rightfully of the tribe
of Ephraim as they did state, 'Say we not well that thou are a Samaritan?'
Of course their design was to catch Jesus out in discussing that which would
have been of some controversy even then. Even during the day of Jesus,
many Jews, the Saducees, did not believe in a literal resurrection while
other did. Such would be a topic of controversy where some Jews of Jesus
day did believe in the ressurection and others did not. Today most do not
believe in a literal resurrection of reuniting body and spirit into a
imortal being of flesh and bone.
Many will schooled and knowledgable of the true of the matter would have
well understood that Jesus was to be both Messiah Ben David who many
considered Jewish by the blood of Boaz and also Messiah Ben Joseph by
right of vicarious parenthood where by Boaz did raise up in Obed and the
house of David, seed unto the house of that Ephraimite, Mahlon and the
house of Elimelech. Is such a context Christ was indeed much like the
Samaritans being of Ephraim and of Ruth of Moab. This is but another
example that such traditons of truth where had but have been lost.
With all the cross conjecture between Christ and the Pharisees and scribes,
it can well be seen that they understood about the coming of the Son of God
during that time. They knew that the promised Messiah was held by many to
be God's Son. Now whether they did at the time so believe themselves that
the promised Messiah was to be God's Son or not is not always decernable.
But certainly the later Jews of time have almost entirely given up this
truth to the falsehood that God was not to have His Son, the Messiah, come
to earth.
It is shameful that many such truths about Jesus Christ, his true identity,
the intent of his mission, who he was in terms of ancestry and the such
information has been lost through time, and only can be decerned through
picking through the pieces as it were. But such is the nature of the
corruption of true religion. God does not remove himself from man, man
removes himself from God through his own disbelief. As the Savior stated
during his reflection over the times of the Old Testament as recored by
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them
which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children
together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and
ye would not!" ~ Matthew 23:37
This was Jesus Christ reflecting upon all the days of the Old Testament
when he as God Jehovah would have gathered wellingly his people, but his
chosen people of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would not be so intreated. Rather
they did play the whore and seek after other Gods of false religion and did
corrupt the understanding of the true teachings and words of God leaving
the Jews of Christ's day and even today but with an empty shell of
false understanding and lacking in comprehension
the things of the very God they proclaimed to worship.
A Sincere Caution
In reveiwing the works of honorable and sincere Jews, Christians, Mormons and
others alike, there has been shown tendancy to mix the 'traditional' and
scriptural teachings and understandings of a latter-day propphet of the seed
of Joseph with the understood 'suffering' and even 'glorious and triumpant'
Messiah. And when one ingages such a mixture, often the very traits,
attributes, and scriptural references which can only be those of Christ, are
attached to that prophet of Joseph. It aught not to be so. We must
certainly not mix before the world Joseph Smith as being the Messiah. So let
it be stated clearly here and now, 'Joseph Smith is NOT the
Messiah Ben Joseph. Despite the Jewish, Samaritan, Other Christian and even
Mormon mixtures which do begin to attribute a mixture of Christ specific
matters to the latter-day prophet of the seed of Joseph
with those traditions about him, Joseph Smith is not the Messiah Ben Jospeh,
the suffering Messiah. Only Jesus Christ, even Jehovah, is that Messiah.
Perhaps in respect to those who tend to mix Messiah Ben Joseph erroneously
with Joseph, the applicable caution of the great promises of Joseph of Eygpt
should be repeated. When Joseph began to teach of his great promises, he
related that Moses would be raised up to deliever Israel from the Epgptian
slavery. Joseph knew that the Israelites would perhaps view this great
deliver, Moses to be the very Messiah of the world. They would confuse Moses
with the Messiah who had been promised to be of the seed of Joseph of Egypt.
Thus Joseph of Egypt clearly deliniated, explained and qualified that this
Moses this deliver was NOT the Messiah who was to come from
Joseph of Egypt. Joseph stated that Moses was 'not the Messiah who is called
Shilo' who was promised to come thence from Joseph. Joseph was just making
sure that this Moses, who was raised in a house of Joseph as the seed of
Joseph, would not be confused with the Messiah ben Joseph who had been
promised to come from Joseph in the blessings of Jacob upon Ephraim and upon
Joseph in Genesis 48 and 49.
"And Joseph said unto his brethern, I die, and go unto my fathers; and I go
down to my grave with joy. The God of my father Jacob be with you, to
deliver you out of affliction i the days of your bondage; for the Lord hath
visited me, and I have obtained a promise of the Lord, that out of the fruit
of my loins, the Lord God will raise up a righteous branch out of my loins;
and unto thee, whom my father Jacob hath named Israel, a prophet;
(not the Messiah who is called Shilo;) and
this prophet shall deliver my people out of Egypt in the days of thy bondage.
~ IV Genesis 50:24- . . . and 2 Nephi 3:5- . . .
Now the fact of Moses being considered of the house and branch of Joseph
though a Levite is discussed in item number 8 so will not
be discussed here. The fact is that Moses was a definiate threat to be
so considered as the delivering Messiah from the seed of Joseph as prophesied
in Joseph's patriarchal blessing under the hand of Jacob (Genesis 49:22-26),
And Joseph of Egypt here in the references just quoted did make certain that
the two would not be mixed up, that Moses would NOT be made
out to be the Messiah also prophecied of the seed of Joseph of Egypt.
Joseph of Egypt well might have so warned those of us of the latter-day not
to so mix the promised latter-day prophet from the seed of Joseph with the
Messiah as well. For in those same verses, Joseph of Egypt did so prophecy of
Joseph Smith's coming forth in the latter days. A prophet named Joseph after
his father Joseph and after Joseph of Egypt. And Joseph of Egypt well would
have warned that, 'This latter-day prophet of Joseph was NOT the
Messiah, the Messiah Ben Joseph, the suffering Messiah. Joseph Smith was
NOT this Messiah or any such Messiah, for there is only one
Messiah.' It would have been well if Joseph had so warned us for there are
many who erroneously make him out to be so, and not just the promised latter-day
promised prophet of the restoration.
Now, from various internet websites and textual material, some interesting
questions are raised about a Messiah/Prophet who had power over death who was
to descend from Joseph of Egypt through Ephraim. First the Samaritans, the
only ones who could possibly represent the side of Ephraim and Joseph in this position beyond
having the Brass Plates of Laban to refer to, did and do believe in such a
Messianic figure who is to descend through Joseph. And they did tend to mix
the Messiah with the latter-day prophet. I will cover this more in the next
item concerning 'The Samaritan Messiah.'
Then also the Jews did mix the traditions and understandings of Messiah Ben
Joseph with the promises of a latter day prophet of the seed of Joseph. This
will be covered more in item number 33 thus not cover here.
As to the various 'Traditional Christian' view upon the matter, they are
much taken from these same Jewish and Samaritan positions and will not for
the spirit of deminishing contention, not be covered here.
This leaves the LDS authors who have ventured into the realm of confusing
Messiah Ben Joseph with Joseph Smith. Here I do refrain from mentioning
particular names in the spirit to avoid any direct contention. But the names
range from the very elite of gosepl scholarship to those who have followed
into this venture as novices. It is not them nor their testimony of Christ
and the true Gospel which is of concern here. It is merely the concern
of mixing before the world the concept that Joseph Smith was the 'suffering
Messiah', the Messiah Ben Joseph, which he is not. Thus I prefer to not
parade their works before the world. I am not a proponant of them and I
prefer to avoid contenting directly against them and offending their deciples
who have any alliegence to them, for no good can be seen to come of it. But
rather I only precede to build this case that Messiah Ben Joseph and Messiah
Ben David are one and the same, even Jesus Christ, the one and only Messiah
of God's eternal gospel plan for the redemption of the world. And I
would ask that any who so have been exposed, consider, or adhere to this
other view that Joseph Smith be Messiah Ben Joseph, do reconsider their
position in this matter.
The Latter-Day End of Envy and Jealousy
Judah's unpreceived reliance upon the strong arm of Ephraim
Christ's Second Coming and removal of such strife and rivalry
The love of brothers will prevail. Just as when Joseph was found still alive
and ruling in Egypt, and he forgave his brethern, even Judah, so will Christ
accept and forgive his brethern, all of Israel, even Judah. And brothers
will be bothers with no envy and covetous jealousy among them. Etc.