70. The Son, The Promise, The Power ~ Firstborn Birthright

From the perspective of the eternal round and that of the Firstborn Birthright, their are three inseparably connected perspectives. They are summarized in Abraham's statement concerning his seeking after the righteousness of heaven.

    "I sought for mine appointment unto the Priesthood according to the appointment of God unto the fathers concerning the seed." ~ Abraham 1:4

The Power

Of course 'the power' is that very Power of God and it rest in the principle of investiture, that is that power to act in God's name and by God's authority and by God's Power. And this power rested in the Father. That is God the Eternal Father even Elohim. And His Power is Almighty, Supreme, pereminent, everlasting and unlimited. He is the All Powerful God. And by and with that power the Father may and does 'Bestow' that power upon others to so act in the name of God by that power, in that authority according to the mind and will of God.

When God Our Father in Heaven set forth His Plan for the Salvation of Man, since He was that Almight Celestial God of Heaven, a Redeemer, Savior, Lord and Mediating God of Power who could minister directly unto the children of men needed to be supplied, sellect, anointed and ordained to act in behalf of and in the stead of the Father in all things. By the Laws of Eternal Progression, once one has obtained that level of the Father in Heaven to the Celestial tier, one does not retrogress back to become subject to a lesser sphere. Thus when the Father looked to anoint His appointed Redeemer, He looked to those who were his Spirit Children. And by the Law of Right and Righteousness, it fell upon the Firstborn Son in the Spirit to fulfill that position.

Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea knew and stated it well in his Ecclesiastical History, or at least as well as it has been properly kept and translated and properly understood. While a complete read of Bishop Eusebius' Book 1 aids in setting out the nature of thing from eternity on into the plan of God for man, I will but quote here one paragraph from Chapter 2, paragraph 2, with interpretive explanation in brackets and scriptural references cited.

       ¶"For who beside the Father could clearly understand the Light which was before the world, the intellectual and essential Wisdom which existed before the ages, [Intelligence has no beginning or end and from that essense was Jehovah who is the same as Christ was spiritually born and begotten, as were all the spirit children of the Father, and therein is Jehovah/Christ Co-eternal with the Father, as so are we in that spirit which resides within us] the living Word [Christ the Son] which was in the beginning [That which has a beginning marks the 'beginning of the ages, which are marked as to time, being but limited ticks cut from the fabric of eternity] with the Father and which was God, the first [born] and only begotten of God which was before every creature (Colossians 1:15) and creation visible [temporal] and invisible [spirit-and/or-spiritual], the commander-in-chief of the rational and immortal host of heaven, the messenger of the great counsel, the executor of the Father's unspoken will, the creator, with the Father, of all things, the second cause [Second Estate] of the universe after the Father, the true and only-begotten Son of God [in the flesh], the Lord and God and King of all created things, the one who has received dominion and power, with divinity itself, and with might and honor from the Father [DIVINE INVESTITURE]; as it is said in regard to him in the mystical passages of Scripture which speak of his divinity: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1) Ecclesiastical History, Book I, Chapter II, Paragraph 2, by Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea

It is in the confusion of 'Intelligence'(* see note at end of this Item 70 concerning 'Intelligence') where many get caught up. All intelligent beings come from this 'Intelligence' and it is this very essential matter which makes God the Father, Jehovah/Jesus the Son and even the whole of mankind who have a spirit and essence of intelligence within them as well, that makes the Son, and all men as well, Co-eternal in their most basic of nature with God the Father. Most are too caught up in the finite to comprehend the infinite. Just as temporal birth WAS NOT our first beginning as we had lived as spirit children of the Father and of that eternal essense of intelligence ourselves as well, even so there is not end in death, as that which makes us co-eternal carries on. But what does come to bear is that to which one does attain to, or 'advance to' which is 'the rub' of the matter. Whether one lives on to serve Satan of live with God the Father in His Many Mansions and Kingdoms of Glory is where that is at. That which is of a like nature seeks its own, and it is much better to be like unto Jesus Christ and God our Father in Heaven and to eternally partake of the fruits of righteousness and the related rewards than it is to stand to be damned, that is stop in one's eternal progression for ever more.

But back to the very Power of God. When the 'heir', that is the 'firstborn' in the spirit was rightfully selected by the Father to be His Only Annointed Son and Redeemer, the Father further empowered him with the very Power of God, to act for, in the behalf of and in the stead of the Father in all things pertaining to this temporal creation. As it is stated in scripture, 'only those who do belong or have belonged to this 'earth' or this 'temporal estate' are those who do minister unto it (D&C 130:5). This perspective has been spoken of in terms of why the Celestial Father select one from among his spirit son to be the Redeeming God of this estate, namely Jehovah who is the same as Jesus Christ. And thus Jehovah of the Old Testament did so minister unto this estate, and under the direction and in concert with the mind and the will of the Father, and by the Power of God, he did create all things pertaining unto this estate, both in heaven and in earth. And he did this as a God of Spirit, being so positioned and empowered as such by God the Father of all the spirits of men. Many are the scriptures which speak to this matter beginning with the fact that it was Jehovah/Jesus Christ under the direction of the Father, who created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1; Moses 1; Abraham 4; Prov. 26:10; John 1:3,10,14; Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:16; Heb. 1:2; Heb. 11:3; Rev. 14:7; 2 Ne. 2:14; 2 Ne. 11:7; Jacob 4:9; Mosiah 4:9; Morn. 9:11; Ether 3:7-16; D&C 14:9; D&C 20:18; Moses 1:33; Moses 3:5; Moses 6:8; Moses 7:36; etc.)

Now it is very important to not confuse the identity of God our Father in Heaven as being the same as Jehovah who has been empowered by our Fahter to stand in this estate in His stead in all things. It is true that reading from the scriptures can become confusing as in the times before Christ, and even after, it is Christ as Jehovah who at times speaks as the Father in behalf and for the Father as though he is the Father, for he holds that position of authority, that 'power of attorney' or 'Divine Investiture' as it were; and he has been so empowered and is expected to do so. And then, at times, in the next or even in the same verse where Jehovah/Jesus has been speaking of himself in the third person from the perspective of the Father, who he represents and stands in the stead of in all things, he then may also refer to himself from the perspective of the Christ in the first person as well, such as he being the Savior and Redeemer of the world.

It is with some understanding that we can see the limited perspective of the Jews who 'worship the 'One God' and would kill Jesus Christ, who is that very God Jehovah for so stating to them of such darkened understanding that he was the very Son of God. When Steven declared the truth of it to them saying he saw the Son of God standing on the right hand of God, without a clear understanding, the frustration and confusion of the unenlightened Jewish leaders caused them to stop up their ears and cast him out and stone him to death for making of Jesus Christ the Son of God, for to their limited understanding there was but One God and No Son of God. And that is still pretty well much there understanding of things even today. And though they believe in a coming Messiah, for the most part they do not believe him to be the Son of God. But the common people of 'lesser learning' could understand it and accepted it, that Jesus was the promised son of God.

The Firstborn Son

Here now we have laid a firm foundation for a point of perspective to one such statement often not fully understood in the Old Testament in the book of Jeremiah which related directly and specifically to the premise of this text. Jeremiah speaking for God Jehovah, who as Jehovah speaking in the place and stead of the Father as the Father, states:

    "For thus saith the LORD; [This is Jehovah speaking as the Father in the behalf, for and in the stead of the Father] . . . I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn." ~ Jeremiah 31:7-9

Now from that perspective that we are to accept that it is God the Father who states this position, via Jehovah His Ministering God, via the prophet Jeremiah; We are to grasp the understanding that of His chosen people, His family, Ephraim is the Firstborn and from whom the Messiah will come by the right of the 'firstborn', the heir to the kingdom on earth.

And here now we may also point out that there are things in heaven and thing on earth which need to be so correlated and function to gether in righteousness. As an example, Jesus though without sin, so was he still baptised to fulfill all righteousness so that the heaven position match with the earthly performance and requirement. So also, though Jehovah was the 'firstborn' of the Father in the spirit in the preexistence, so also was it needful for that same relationship to be established and recognized by God is relation to earthly things. And so it was that by 'righteousness' was Ephraim the heir as being the firstborn of God to Israel. This is further confirmed in the recorded as stateded in 1 Chronicals 5:1-2, wherein it is pointed out that it was Joseph and Joseph's son(s), who had rightly obtained the 'birthright' blessing. And this eventhough the Jews' history sets out the blook genealogy of David above the 'birthright' which David also held from Elimelech and Mahlon through Ruth, Obed and Jesse, who were Ephrathites, meaning Ephraimites. And not merely Ephraimites but of that birthright descent from Ephraim, Jehosuha, Elimelech and Mahlon.

And thus it is and was that the Power of God, the Promise of the plan of the Redeemer in and of the promised seed codified, correlated and reconciled between heaven and earth. Jesus Christ, the same being Jehovah, was so selected and empowered in heaven and down through the earthly progression through the some rules of functioning of the birthright did the Savior come, being both confirmed by his position in heaven directly as the firstborn of the Father there, and as being the son of the 'firstborn birhtright' my righteousness in the proceedings in the earth below as heir and Son of Joseph of the covenant. And though of the blood of Judah, Christ was by the very Laws of God the surrogate Son of Boaz being raised up the the hold of Elimelech and Mahlon and as the villagers so stated, Naomi has a Son as with Rachel and Leah, and Israel (Ephraim) and Judah.

{* NOTE: As taken from the LDS Scriptures - 'Guide to the Scriptures' - topic: INTELLIGENCE, INTELLIGENCES. (See also Light, Light of Christ, Spirit, Truth)

   Intelligences has several [though interrelated] meanings, three of which are: (1) It is the light of truth which gives life and light to all things in the universe. It has always existed. (2) The word intelligences may also refer to spirit children of God. (3) The scriptures also may speak of intelligence as referring to the spirit element that existed before we were begotten as spirit children.

   Intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence, D&C 88:40. Intelligence was not created or made, D&C 93:29. All intelligence is independent in that sphere in which God has palced it, D&C 93:30. The glory of God is intelligence, D&C 93:36-37. Intelligence acquired in this life rises with us in the resurrection, D&C 130:18-19. The Lord rules over all the intelligences, Abr. 3:21. The Lord showed Abraham the intelligences that were organized before the world was, Abr. 3:22.}