71. The Hindermost, Desended Below All Things

    "And he put the handmaids and their children foremost, and Leah and her children after, and Rachel and Joseph hindermost" ~ Genesis 33:2

In presenting his house before his brother Esau, Jacob places the least first the greatest dead last as the postion of the lowest servant of all in the house of Jacob. This that all the nations of the earth might be preserved in the Covenant and Son of the Covenant of God. Thus while still a lad, Joseph, the Son of the Covenant, just as his great descendant would be, was places below all, hindermost to all others. God the Father has prescribed, that for the sake of all mankind, His Son of the Covenant, Jesus Christ be placed as the servant of all, the least in the Kingdom of God. Christ descended below all men, taking upon himself to atone and provide salvation to all the earth. Joseph's position parallels that of the Savior as asscribed above in item #5. This particular instance is one which places Joseph of the sole carrier of the burden of the Covenant of God, which included the ancestry to Jesus Christ. He was the only son positioned to survive if Esau saw fit to kill and destory all of the house of Jacob that day. As the designed sole descendant and Son of the Covenant, it was thus through the seed of Joseph that the Messiah, Messiah ben Joseph, who is the same as Messiah ben David, was to legally and rightfully descend as the Son of the Covenant and heir to the kingdom just as Joseph was in the household of Jacob.

    ~ Matthew 5:19

Matthew 19:30

Matthew 20:16

Mark 10:31

Luke 13:30

1 Nephi 13:42

Ether 13;12

D&C 29:30**

D&C 50:26

D&C 88:6

D&C 122:8

Mark 14:37

Hebrews 2:17

D&C 76:107

Though of a symbolic nature, to be place and descend below all things, to be made the last or least, the hindermost, is the symbolic position of the Lord Jesus Christ as the servant of all to come forth from the hindermost or least positon to be made first and greatest in the Kingdom of God. The dualistic application of these scriptures cannot be over looked to include and imply that Jacob placed Joseph his son last, least, hindermost and below all others in his house just as the Lord Jesus Christ was places to descend below all things, to be the least and servant of all in his atoning sacrifice in the kingdom of God by which he took upon himself the sins of all the world. Jacob's placing Joseph least and below all in his house parallels Jospeh rightful and legal heir of the rightful son of the Covenant, even Jesus Christ. The last or least who is to be places first and greatest in the Kingdom of God, just as Joseph was placed first and greatest in the house of Jacob after being so placed as last and least, below all others before Esau when Jacob presented his family before him.