Daniel sees in vision a ram (Media and Persia), a he goat (Grecia), four
other kings, and then, in the last days, a fierce who shall destroy the holy
people; but he shall be broken when he stands up against the Messiah.
21 And the rough agoat
is the bking of
Greciaa: and the great horn that
is between his eyes is the first king.
22 Now that being abroken,
whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation,
but not in his power.
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom,
when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance,
and understanding adark sentences, shall stand up.
21a the rough goat is the king of
Grecia The remarkable thing of prophecy is that it may by very
name so identify the future, here Daniel hundreds of years prior has seen
the Greek empire began by its 'first king' Alexander the Great. Alexander
would not live until 356-323 BC. Daniel lived in the 500s BC, some two hundred
or so years before Alexander, yet Daniel in the spirit of prophecy did see
Alexander's day and the rise of the Grecian empire and so on even down to our
very day in many of his prophetic dreams and visions. And thus considering
this, that Daniel fore saw Alexander the Great and it came to pass, so also
we must consider that when Daniel sees and speaks of our day, it also will
surely come to pass as well.