4 To whom coming, as unto a living
stone, disallowed indeed of men, but achosen of
and precious,
5 Ye also, as alively
stones, are built up a bspiritual chouse,
an holy priesthood, to offer up dspiritual
esacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
6 Wherefore also it is contained in the
scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion [Zion] a chief acorner
electa, precious: and he that
cbelieveth on him shall not be
4a chosen of God The Firstborn
spirit son of God the Father of Spirits was so chosen by God the Father when
God asked, 'Whom shall I send?', and Jehovah answered, "Here am I, send me.'
Once so chosen in the premortal preexistence, God the Father annointed and
ordained Jehovah to be he who would redeem mankind from the fall. And as only
those who did 'pertain' unto this second estate are to minister unto it (D&C 130:5),
God the Father set His chosen son to be and act in his stead in all things
temporal from the creation to the atonement to the final judgment and
resurrection of all mankind.
6a elect One might think that
since heaven was a theocracy wherein God ruled, that God's children did not
have a choice or vote in the matter. Those who consider this do not
understand the process of 'common concent. Certainly Jesus Christ was
'elected', not only by the voice of God the Father's selection when he said,
'I will send the First', but also when the spirit children of God the Father
voiced there own vote of sustaining or rejecting Jehovah as the Messiah.
One third part of the host of heaven who followed after Lucifer did use their
'vote' in rebellion to Christ and God the Father. They were 'antichrist' and
the plan of having a Messiah who would suffer for sin based upon repentance.
They reather chose by their descent the plan of Lucifer which was to save
all, but not to a state of Godhood, but to a state of subjection unto him.
They understood fully and well what they were not supporting and they would
rather support the plan of Lucifer which was designed to thwart the agency of
man in lew of a guaranteed level of salvation under Lucifer's rule. That
third part got what they voted for, to be subject to Satan, but not to do so
in the presence of God the Father. They were cast out of heaven and will
never return to God's presence.