4 And we have aconfidence in
the Lord touching you, that ye both do and will do the things which we command you.
5 And the Lord adirect your
hearts into the blove of God, and into the patient waiting
for Christ.
6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of
our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye awithdraw yourselves from
every brother that walketh
bdisorderlya, and not
after the tradition which he received of us.
6a withdraw yourself from every brother
that walketh disorderly One of the very beginnings of apostasy is
to be found within the church among those who are or ought to be brethren.
Of those who are brothers in the faith, those who do not 'walk' after the
direction of the presiding brethern, the leadership of the church, primarily
from the Firstpresidency and the apostles on down, ought not to be kept in
fellowship. If they begin to believe and act in opposition to the proper order
of the church as has been given and directed, these are not to continue to be
fellowship but are to withdrawn from as brothers in the gospel, for they do
not follow and uphold that which is the true order of God. For example if one
persues the path that homosexuals ought to maintain membership even after
being pronounced and defined as such, this and they ought not to be in
fellowship with the saints of God.