Old Testament Commentary - Psalms 131

by Don R. Hender

Scriptural Text [& Editorial]
Commentary & Explanation
Footnotes ~ References ~ JST
       CHAPTER 131          

David says: Let Israel hope in the Lord forever.

A Song of degrees of David
  1 LORD, my heart is not ahaughtya, nor mine beyes loftya: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me.

Stepping Beyond One's Proper Bounds and Order 
There is Order in God's House and Kingdom. All men are to humble themselves before the LORD and learn of his ways. Once they have learned of his ways, his will, his mind and what the proper Order of God is, man then is to submit himself to that mind, will and Order of God. That is the course of humility and meekness. A haughty heart and a proud look of lofty eyes is that of one who considers himself above another and even above God. One such stepped forward and sought to usurp God the Father's selection of His Firstborn and to even place himself above God in his own selfish desired aspirations.

The difference between Jehovah and Lucifer was that Jehovah rightly sought his proper position in fulfilling the will of the Father and atributing all glory to His name while the other did not. The traits of humility and meekness before God and keeping within one's own proper bounds and proper position is essential in coming before the LORD. This is the point being made in 'David's' description of his intent of perspective of coming before God.

 1a my heart is not haughty The heart of a man is the center of a man, the essences of a man, that which a man is made up of. As mortal men we consist of the component parts of itelligence, spirit and body though our currect body is of the temporal flesh of mortality. The heart is the soul of man which is the combination of these three component parts. A heart which is not haughty is one which is not caught up in pride, that is to say that the being of the whole of this man is humble which is to be teachable before the Lord.
 1b nor mine eyes lofty One of the things the Lord hates is a 'proud look', of one who is caught up in his self ego to the extent that he thinks himself the better than another. Such will be humbled and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down in that day that the LORD shall be exalted. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess and submit themselves to the will and mind of the LORD in that day. (Isaiah 2:11/2 Nephi 12:11 & Proverbs 6:16)
  2 Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a childa that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child.
 2a I have behaved and quited myself, as a child Except we become as little children who are submissive unto the mind and will of their Father, we cannot inherit the kingdom of God. This aspects of showing forth humility, meekness and the submissiveness of a little child are all taught by Christ in his ministry. David presents a psalm here which so sets forth these items also, but whether he learned the necessity of them first hand or whether he was taught them from the 'scriptures' and words of the prophets available in his day is of some speculation. Certainly like most any psalmist or song writer of hymns, their text is drawn upon from the prophetic scriptures of which they have so considered and looked to for their inspiration.
  3 Let Israel hope in the LORDa from henceforth and for ever.  3a Let Israel hope in the LORD David here speaks of the House of Israels hope in the coming LORD and his fulfillment of his mission and ministry. Yet beyond the seed of Abraham, this is the hope of all the world of mankind. And in the broader meanings of the terms, it indeed does. Israel was a name of God give upon Jacob as meaning 'one who has successfully prevailed in God' or even 'God has prevailed'. To so 'prevail' is to obtain the Kingdom of God, our LORD GOD providine the means and the way and we submitting ourselves to be humbly taught and meekly submit to the mind and will of God which leads us along that course which leads to Eternal Life and Exaltation. That is our 'Great Hope', goal and desire which we all do strive to achieve over the course of this second course, this second estate, this testing. And our test is just that. That we are submissive and obedient unto all that the LORD commands us to do according to His Mind and His Will which is for our best good for his intent and purpose to to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, even His very Work and His Glory.