~ M O R T A L I T Y ~
Second Estate 'Soul' Embodied in Mortal Body

prepared and presented by Don R. Hender

(Progression, The Design of Eternity — Section III)

    "Behold, I am he who was prepared from the foundation of the world to redeem my people. Behold, I am Jesus Christ. I am the Father and the Son. In me shall all mankind have life, and that eternally, even they who shall believe on my name; and they shall become my sons and my daughters.
    "And never have I showed myself unto man whom I have created, for never has man believed in me as thou hast. Seest thou that ye are created after mine own image? Yea, even all men were created in the beginning after mine own image.
    "Behold, this body, which ye now behold, is the body of my spirit; and man have I created after the body of my spirit; and even as I appear unto thee to be in the spirit will I appear unto my people in the flesh."
    ~ BoM Ether 3:14-16 ~

Jehovah-Jesus Reveals Himself unto Mahonri Moriancumr

In this scripture from the Book of Mormon much is revealed concerning many things in just three verses. The occasion of this event was around about 2200 B.C. The Lord God of the Old Testament, Jehovah, who is the same as Jesus Christ, appeared unto the brother of Jared, Mahonri Moriancumr. This was the time round about the Tower of Babel and the confusion of the languages of man as recorded in the Bible. One family and their associated had plead with the Lord that according to the warnings of the prophets at that time that the languages would be confounded as the people would not dispurse upon the earth and had remained grouped together around the great city of Nimrod and were those who had or were uselessly building the Tower of Babel to false gods rather that following the commandmenst of the Lord God Jehovah to disburse and to continue to multiply and fill the earth.

Jared had his brother Mahonri, a man of great faith, plead with the Lord to not confuse their language and that they would do as the Lord had commanded. The Lord agreed and had commanded Jared people to travel to a land of promised prepared of the Lord to which he would bring them. As part of that very long journey these people would have to cross the Oceans Sea that after the days of Peleg had divided the lands from be just but one land. The Lord had commanded them to build inclosed 'barges' is dish shapes number 8. In the enclosed barges it was dark inside. Thus Mahonri prayed that the Lord would provide a means of light to light the interior of the barges. Mahori had moltened 16 clear crystal stone as his chosen labor to set before the Lord. And he plead with the Lord that he might touch these stone that they might be a sorce of light unto the barge ships, one in each end of the 8 barges constructed to provide the light to see by on their sea voyage across the ocean sea.

And thus before the seeing spirit eyes of the brother of Jared, the Lord God Jehovah touch each of the sixteen stones with the finger of his hand and they then shone with light by the power of God set in and upon them. While this was happening, Mahonri with his spirit eyes saw and beheld the finger of the Lord, and he saw that the Spirit God Jehovah of the Old Testament had and hand and fingers the same as what men had. Mahonri was able and blessed to see because of his great faith in God. After it was communicated that Mahonri had seen the hand and finger of the Lord, the Lord God Jehovah, who is the same as Jesus/Jehoshua Christ/Messsiah showed unto the brother of Jared the rest of his spirit body and Mahonri saw that the Lord's spirit body was in the same image and form as that of the physical body would housed the spirits of man and would evetually also house the Spirit body of Jehovah when his would condescended to be born in the flesh of the virgin Mary, he then both being the Firstborn of every creature in his the preexistent Spirit Body birth and that Jehovah/Jesus would also be the Only Begotten Son of Elohim, the Celestial God, in the flesh. These verses are a part of which record the event of Jehovah's - Jesus' revealing himself unto the brother of Jared about the time of the Tower of Babel.

The Matter of the Name of Jesus Christ

It would have been during the events of the preexistence when Jehovah was selected, anointed and ordained with the powers of God, to be the Ministering God of the Temporal Creation and the God of the Old Testament by Devine Investiture. Only those who would be or had been pertaining to this Second Estate of the Mortal Earth are those who do minister to it (D&C 130:5). Logic wold set forth that Elohim being the Celectial God of Heaven was above and beyond being a part of the Second Estate of His Spirit Children, as they would not be able to withstand his Great Celestial Glory of a Celestial God. Thus the Firstbond Spirit Son of Elohim was selected to stand in the stead of the Father in all things in ministering to all matters concerning this temporal Estate. It would be in and through Jehovah that the Father would reveal himself, Jehovah being ordained by Divine Investiture to Minister unto man as our Ministering God in the creation as recorded by John the apostle (John 1:1-4), and as our Great Spirit God Jehovah in the stead of the Father (Laviticus 16:32 so is the type and shadow in the performanced of the Law of Moses). And Jehovah was also empowered to Redeem and Deliver man from the Fall of Adam as Jesus Christ, the terporal mortal of the virgin Mary, though also being the empowered Son of God to effect the resurrection from the dead. Jehovah would/will also be our Millennial King of the Millennium as well as he who is our Final Judge in and through the aided powers of the Holy Ghost to see and judge a man according to what his truly is in worthiness before God.

Now God the Father gave Jehovah an appropriated further defining name of Jehoshua (Jehovah-Deliverer) according to him assigned duty as the Savior of mankind in and through the atonement of Christ (Zachariah 3). This is not new knowledge but it was know by such as Moses, who so named the son of Nun with a new name after one of the names of Jehovah, as Jehoshua or Joshua. That fact is recorded by Bishop Eusebius of Ceasarea in his Ecclesiastical History of the Church, book one, chapter 3, paragraphs 3-5. And Moses also set upon Aaron the name of the Anointed one Christ or Messiah as also recorded by Bishop Eusebius' text.

Thus Oshea, the son of Nun, was given a new name after the name of 'Jesus' or 'Jehoshua' as had preveiously named on Jehovah by Elohim in the preexistance. This so did Moses by the inspiration of the spirit (Numbers 13:16). Thus, so Joshua was not a name just unique to the son of Nun. It was a bestowal by Moses upon the son of Nun as one of the names of Jehovah, it being the very name of Jehovah-Deliver of Redeemer as give Jehovah in the preexistence (Zechriah 3:1 (all) & New Translation). And thus we are given to understand that Jesus was not named after Joshua, but Joshua was named after one of the names of Jehovah (Jehoshua) by Moses as explained by Bishop Eusebius of Ceasarea.

Now as far as the Book of Mormon translantion prepare and translated by Joseph Smith under the power of the Holy Spirit: When one translates one language into another some words are phonetic versions of the actual words from the original language of the ancient texts. Others are to be commonly understood to be that ancient language word given in and 'English' word of a translated 'equivalent.' The actual racord of the Book of Ether may likely have been written in a variation of the ancient language of Adam or the Adamic language, as the Jaredites people's language was not confounded. But some consideration might be also given that over some nearly 2000 years time of the Jaredites, that most ancient of languages would have been variously evolved by the day of Ether's abridgement of the records of the Jaredites. And exactly by Joseph Smith's translation used the more modern translated English equvolents of the ancient name of 'Jesus and Christ' ought to be redially understood as well. If Joseph Smith had use some such phonetic representations of the ancient language versions of 'Jesus' and 'Christ', they would not be readily recognizable to the reader for what they are and were in our more modern English language.

Those ignorant critics that mock Joseph Smith for using the names of 'Jesus' and Christ' before they where used in the New Testament times of the Bible English translations are either displaying their total lack of understanding or they are intentionally deceiving people by lying. As just explained here previously, the origins of the names of Jesus (Greek for of Joshua) and Christ (Greek form of Messiah), were not new to the New Testament, but had their origin in the Old Testament and even in the preexistence as pointed out by the record of Bishop Eusebius of Ceasarea who gaven his knowledge that Aaron and Oshea the son of Nun were given names that where previously the named that had been given to Jehovah, who is the same as Jesus Christ. Now certainly the ancient Adamic language of the people of Jared would not only have different 'spelt' words pronounced differently and not understandable by us, but even the letter and symbols used would not be the same as our English letters of our 26 letter alphabet. The only thing a true translator of the ancient record could to would to be the modern English language equivalent, which is Jesus Christ or a English phonetic version of the words as spoken in the ancient language, which would not be understand able in that form either.

The only reasonable and understandable word form for the 'translator' into English that could and should be given are the English language equivolents of those words. Even the 'Hebrew' transliterated forms of Jehoshua (Joshua) and of Messiah are but English representation of those words as 'near' spoken in the Hebrew. And if heard in the Hebrew language, they would not readily be heard and recognized as 'Jehoshua' and 'Messiah' but as the Hebrew Jews would but speak them from their own language as well. Yes the word Jesus/Jehoshua/Joshua was know and spoken anciently, and even as far back as Adam i even in the preexistence as well. They are not new words only new to the New Testament. Bishop Eusebius of Ceasarea knew that they were at least known before the first record writer of the Old Testament, Moses. And Moses knew those names as prior known names as being such names of Jehovah that were then bestowed upon the son of Nun and Aaron. They are not new names to the New Testament at all. The Greek forms, though to us they are in English form, are just language translations of those names from the Old Testament of Jehoshua/Joshua as Jesus in the Greek and Messiah as Christ in the Greek. We don't even have the actual Greek language words either but rather English tranliterated versions of those Greek word as Jesus Christ. Those that mock Joseph Smith for using those word in the Book of Mormon are ignorant or intentionally deceiving people in lies if they do indeed understand the translation process of one language into that of another language.

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

One of the great reveals of the appearance of Jehovah/Jesus to the brother of Jared is that the spirit body and the spirit body's phycial tabernale are in the same image and form as each other. Jesus (Jehovah-Redeemer) stated plainly that he created the man Adam's physical body in the image, shape and form as was his own the Spirit body. Whether stated as the spirit body looks like the physical body or that the physical body looks like the spirit body; it is the 'same-differnce' as we would say in my youth. And once more we are and ought to learn and understand that the same spirit body parts of the spirit body have the same appearanc and function of those of the physical body as well. Without getting deeply into things beyond our heaven revealed knowledge, perhaps it is best stated in the simple child's rhyme of simple understanding. "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes; Eyes, ears, mouth and nose." They are in the same image and they are similarly functional as well. That should be a pretty safe surmise without going beyond that level of simplicity in our rudimentary understanding.

Some such understandings are just beyond our 'present pay grades.' For instance, we are told that our immortal, eternal, bodies will not have blood in our veins, if indeed we do have veins as such. Rather than 'blood' we are told that we will have the life giving matter and substance of 'spirit' 'flowing' in our bodies to give them life and we will not long be a creature containing corrumptable blood which and whose life ends in death. But the finer details of that blood to spirit transfer and how that works is as I have stated. It is above our present need to know level. Things like that are often speculated upon. But that seem somewhat of a useless activitiy, for whatever we conjure them up to we won't even matter when we finally have the coreect answers and see and understand them in their reality as they really are. But as for 'flesh' and bone, we are told that we will still be a being of a 'flesh material' as our outer covering, though it very nature will be changes from mortal to immortal, from corruptable to incorruptable. And the same is to be said of our skeletor structure as will. The 'bones' of our hands, legs, arms and feet, etc. with be in the same shapes, forms and images. Though there against the actual materials that make them up and perhaps even as they will workd and operated in their eternal natures will differ from the corruptable nature of mortal man to that of the incorruptible nature of the immortal eternal man. And that is not thying to name such differnces relative to Telelestial bodies, Terrestrial bodies and Celestial bodies. That is still far beyond our present pay grades at this point.

The Spirit Body and the Physical Body

Though we have been talking all around and about it already, there are certain matters of the Spirit Body and the Physical Body that are still left to be stated. For example, the old movie notion that a Spirit 'ghost' body cannot manipulate and handle this of a physical nature for the 'ghost' goes through them rather than to 'handle' them is given toe be absolutely incorrect in that fictionalized understanding. In fact we are given to understand the Jehovah, as a God of Spirit, did functionally control the physical elements with no problem at all. The Word, who is Jesus Christ and is the same as Jehovah as well, as John has pointed, was he who performed the actual temporal creation under the direction of Eholim. And without him was nothing made that was made (John 1:1-4). And as was stated in Ether chapter three to Mahonri Moriancumr, it was Jesus Christ (Jehovah) as a Spirit God that created the tangible phsical tabernacles for the spirits of Adam and Eve to dwell within. And while it does not absolutely for sure answer the silly question about Adam's belly button, it certainly raises it into the more sensible levels of real posiblity that Adam need not have had such an adornment on the outside of his stomach area.

And though Spirits may not be seen by the natural physical eyes, certainly they can be made visibal if but by and through one's spirit body eyes, which we all do have. I like to consider that I am much more handsome and good looking that most all people see me as, for they are not seeing me with their spirit eyes and cannot see me for that which I truly really am! Certainly there is much more to the spirit body than we have even give it as a mere 'ghost' have given it to be. And in like token, there will also absolutely be more to our eternal body of glory of Intelligence, spirit body and incorruptable immortal eternal bodies of glorified flesh and bone that where we now see in the mirror as ourselves today.

I don't know if anyone of 'us' currently know if the immortaly eternal body will rest and sleep or not. Certainly one could get a lot more done, but then again I do enjoy a good afternoon nap after a good meal. And that raises many more unansered question in that respect as will. FOOD.