While it is the right of everyone to speak freely, and we of the LDS Church do so, it is another matter to portray one's self as God's voice and authority on a matter. I am a mere member of the LDS Church. I am not called as a Prophet of the Church, I am not a General Authority of the Church, and I do not speak for the Church with guiding messages for others to follow. I speak and share some of the knowledge and understanding that I have of matters. If it is not fully correct, I will stand corrected. If it helps someone else to understand then I have shared a thought.

Of late, I have visited many sites on the World Wide Web that relate to the LDS Church. Many are anti-mormon, many are pro-mormon, a few are educational and somewhat neutral. But a few of the newer types of sites that I have of late visited disturb me. Those that preach Mormonism but under a different name even to the extent of plagiarizing the LDS scriptures under the false names such as 'Bible II' disturb me. You can get a Book of Mormon free. Bible II cost $24.95 and you won't know its Mormon. Those that go beyond discussing, preaching, and supporting Mormonism to the extent that they begin to teach their own mind, will, and/or 'inspired' insights and revelations as if thy were the very prophets of God and direction of God, rather than just of their own experience; they disturb me. Satan uses truth mingled with lies to mislead. Some make money by publishing and professing to 'know' that which only the prophets can give and know. These sites disturb me, as they can lead the gullible away from the truth as fast if not faster than the mere straight forward attach of the anti-mormon. These are the wolves in sheep's clothing. They have the appearance of Godliness but lead astray by pronouncing their own doctrine as God's infallible truth.

It leads to the question, when is a knowledgeable discussion on a gospel topic changed into a presentation of 'false doctrine.' I recall a number of years ago that a priesthood holder in the northwest ordained a black to the priesthood prior to the official proclamation of the church that the priesthood blessings were now open to all worthy male members of the church. It wasn't that the person may or may not have correctly come to know that the time had come for the priesthood to go forth to all mankind, it was the order of the thing that was violated. It was done without proper authorization and authority from those in authority. God's house is a house of order, things are not done prior to the obtaining proper authority from the leadership in charge and prior to authorized announcements. So are some of the new sites encountered. They speak as if one having authority, yet their authority is not properly sustained and they are superseding the voice of God's Prophets. Come listen to the Prophet's voice, is what I would say to these.

If any take my words as the official word of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, then they are mistaken. My words are my words and I assume responsibilty for them. If they are true then they are true and truth cometh from God. If they seem to be knowledgeable statements, then they can be looked at only as such. If they are in error, then I am wrong. I am but a man. By no means are my words the authoritative voice and authoritative direction of the Church. I believe the Church would uphold my right to voice my thoughts on my religion. I certainly uphold the authoritative right of the leadership of the Church to lead the Church as they are directed by God. This is my personal website and I am a Mormon. I wish to share that with interested visitors.