~ I N T E L L I G E N C E ~
The Essence of God - The God Substance
(The Eternity from which We Come)

prepared and presented by Don R. Hender

(Progression, The Design of Eternity — Section I)

"Some of our writers have endeavored to explain what an intelligence is, but to do so is futile, for we have never been given any insight into this matter beyond what the Lord has fragmentarily revealed. We know, however, that there is something called intelligence which always existed. It is the real eternal part of man, which was not created nor made. This intelligence combined with the spirit [body] constitues a spiritual identity or individual."
~ Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions [1963], 4:127 ~

With all due respect to President and Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith, and in humility of my own state of ignorance, I have found it enlightening to my understanding to consider the matter of God's and man's intelligence. Exactly what it is I am not specificaly able to say. But there is light and truth concerning that intelligence and how it does work, which I believe is of benefit to come to know. And in understanding man's intelligence and its relationship to God's Intelligence, one may be able to access the much greater Intelligence of God from the very sorce(s) of that intelligence as given man as the Gift of the Holy Spirit that does cummune that intelligence, understanding and knowledge directly in connection with that intelligence which man has been so endowed with from the Intelligence of the Father. Thus may I proceed, that as what was felt by Jesus when the woman by faith but touched the hem of his garment, might be felt between man and God in intelligence. ~ drh

What Is Intelligence?

     THERE are two primary sources concerning what Intelligence is that we may rely upon. One is the scriptures and the other is the writings and/or sermons of the Prophet Joseph Smith. The scripture sources may begin with the latter-day scriptures of the Doctrine in Covenants and the word's of the Prophet Joseph Smith on the subject may begin with what is known as his King Follett sermon. From these a short listing concerning what I'll term the characteristist of Intelligence may be given in the brief listing following:

    1. Intelligence is equated to the 'mind' or 'intelligence' which man possesses, which in turn may, with some qualification, be equated to the 'mind' or 'intelligence' of God. (KFS)

    2. This mind or intelligence of man is 'co-equal' [co-eternal] with God himself. (KFS)

    3. Intelligence is eternal. (KFS)

    4. Intelligence exists upon a self-existent principle. (KFS)

    5. Intelligence is a spirit from age to age. (KFS)

    6. There is no creation about Intelligence. (KFS)

    7. All the minds (Intelligences) and spirits God ever sent into the world are susceptible of enlargement. (KFS)

    8. Intelligence is the light of truth, or, in other words, light and truth. (D&C 93)

    9. Intelligence cleaveth unto Intelligence. (D&C 88)

    10. Whatever Intelligence we atain unto in this life, will rise with us in the resurrection. (D&C 130)

    11. And if a person gains more knowledge and Intelligence in his life through diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advange in the life exists upon a self-existent principle. (D&C 130)

    12. Intelligence, Truth, is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself (otherwise there is no existence). (D&C 93)

    13. Man (the Intelligence thereof) was in the beginning with God. (D&C 93)

    14. Intelligence (light of truth / light and truth) is the truth/knowledge of things as they are, were, and are to come. (D&C 93)

1. Intelligence is the mind or intelligence of God and man.

    "The mind or the intelligence which man possesses is co-equal [co-eternal] with God himself." (Joseph Smith, King Follett Sermon, April 7, 1844, Documentary History of the Church, volume 6, pages 302-17.)

    As shown and refereced, Joseph Smith stated in the King Follett sermon that 'the mind or the intelligence which man possesses is co-equal' or the same as that as God himself. The second part of being 'co-equal' and that qualification in relation to God will be spoken of more in item #2. For now at this point whether it is the mind or God or man, it is base in the same 'rudimentry' 'co-equal,' at that point, Intelligence. And as we go down through the various characteristics of Intelligence it will become more apparent as to why it is the 'same' Intelligence that is in both man and God.

    The matter or essence of intelligence is of the same substance and/or mind whether it is the matter, substance or essence of the mind of man or that of God. And in that they are same. It is this having that same Intelligence or matter, substance, essence or spirit of Intelligence that unites man and God. We are after all God's children and why would we consider that the substance of our mind is different from that of our Spirit Father?

    But just as the mind of an infant is not as developed, enlarged or enhanced as that of its physical father, though their minds are of the small matter, so it is with God and man, particularly in respect to man's beginnings of his spirit body birth as compared to God's state as then having being an advanced Celestial glorified being.

    And that makes perfect sense and logic. While an adult father's mind is so much more advanced that his infant child's mind is, so that is also truth of God the Father of Spirits and his spirit children. But also, just as the 'material or substance' of the mind is the same in the infant as in the adult, so it is with God the Father of Spirits and His spirit child born of him. The substance, the spirit of the intelligence of each is of the same essence. After all, they are Father and child.

    2. The Mind or Intelligence of man is Co-equal with God himself.

    As recorded, Joseph Smith said 'co-equal' and I like that because it gives understanding of one of the ways in which Jesus, who is Jehovah of the Old Testament, can and is stated to be both the Father and the Son in the Book of Mormon. (Mosiah 15) The matter or spirit of Intelligence is the 'God Substance' so to speak. It is what makes us 'Co-Eternal' with the Father and it is also that which allows us to eventually become even as God is. If it were not the same then the logical would not flow through as to how it is that Man is a child of God and many become even as his 'God' Father Is! That is, having that same essence of Intelligence in us as is in the Father, then the 'potential' to be come Gods ourself is inherent in us as well.

    In the case of the Firstborn son of the Father in the spirit, Jehovah obtained the level of a 'God' while still having just a Spirit. When Jesus appeared to the brother of Jared in Ether chapter 3, he was the very Jehovah, the Spirit God of the Old Testament. And as a Spirit God, Jehovah under the direction of the Father, performed the temporal creation of heaven and earth. That is how it is set out in John chapter 1 and is to be so understood.

      "IN the beginning was the Word [Jesus/Jehovah], and the Word was with God [Elohim], and the Word was God [Jehovah our Spirit Ministering God].
      "The same was in the beginning with God [Father Elohim].
      "All things [temporal] were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
      "In him was life; and the life was the light of men."
      John 1:1-4

    That last verse may well reference 'the light' as the 'light and truth' of Intelligence, which was in him just as it is also in us, being spirit children of the Father as well. Might I ask, how else could/would Jehovah/Jesus be enabled to be 'God' (our ministering God of the Old Testament standing in the stead of the Father (Lev. 16:32) though yet he was but a Spirit Body being least he had the 'essence' of God in him as that of his by then fully developed and enlarged Intelligence? That is in Intelligence in the which he was not only Co-eternal but Co-equal as well?

    Now certainly it is the 'matter' of Intelligence that makes us 'Co-eternal' in our natures with our Father Elohim. But in our full potential, it is also that same everliving and everlasting Intelligence that makes us susceptable to being Co-equal as well.

    3. Intelligence is Eternal.

    It is from all eternity to all eternity, infinitely so, that Intelligence is. Jehovah anounced to Moses, I AM THAT I AM. As with potentially us as well, it is our Intelligence that renders us as eternal beings in our very nature. And that is the eternal nature of that Intelligence that dwells within us. And though we had a 'beginning' in our 'spirit birth' as spirit children of God the Father of Spirits, whereby we first gained our Spirit Body — head, shoulders, knees and toes; eyes, ears, mougth and nose. It was that Spirit of Intelligence which then became housed in our Spirit Body by which we were truthly eternal beings without beginning or end as well. And that is how Jehovah/Jesus had a beginning and is called Alpha, the Beginning but yet is without beginning and eternal as well. It is our Intelligence that is the Eternal God essence, spirit or substance that gives to each of us that same attribute or characteristic as well.

    When the brother of Jared beheld Jesus as our Spirit God of the Old Testament, he saw that our Lord's spirit body was in that same image and form as that body which he had made for Adam's temporal body, into which he then placed Adam's spirit body into and breathed the breath of life into that physical body. (Ether 3)

    But it was the Intelligence, the mind of that Spirit Body of Jehovah/Jesus that Mahonri Moriancumr saw, as Jesus had not yet received his own physical body as being the then yet to be baby boy born of his temporal mother Mary. Yes, Mary was the mother of the Son of God as Jesus was the Firstborn son of Elohim in the spirit, and the Only Begotten son of Elohim in the flesh. But Mary was also at the same time the 'Mother of God' as it was Jehovah, the Spirit God of the Old Testament, to whom she had just given birth to in the flesh as well. So the 1830 Book of Mormon had it right, as did the later adapted editions for early memeber's understanding as well.

    4. Intelligence exists upon a self-existent principle.

    Intelligence ever was and ever will be. The light of truth, the life, light and truth of the world and universe is that 'God Substance. It ever has been and ever will be. Our Spirit Body which houses our Intelligence had a Beginning. But the Intelligence, our Intelligence, never has and never will have. It is from all eternity to all eternity and beyond. It ever has been. The truths of the Universe are likewise eternal in their very nature and character. Truth is and has always been eternal as well. It is self- existent in its nature and being. It could be or could have been anyother way.

    Only in a principle that can be called 'added upon' is there such things as beginnings. Our Intelligence ever was and ever will be. That is the very nature of our Intelligence. On the other hand, our Spirit Body had a beginning when we were Spirit born. That is when our Intelligence and our Spirit Body were combined in our Spirit birth to be that union of Spirit Body housed Intelligence. Likewise, when we were physically born on earth, out physical body, small as it was, then become first combined with that which was then the 'Soul' of the Spirit Body that housed our Intelligence and it entered into the physical body for the first time.

    Jesus had been the Spirit God Jehovah before his physical birth. Many of those spirit in heaven were great and nobel spirits of the elite prophets and apostles to be before they where physically born. That is a principle of 'adding upon.' Adding a Spirit Body to the Intelligence and a Physical Body to the then Spirit Body and Intelligence. The Physical Body and Spirit Body having their 'beginnings' though our Intelligence never has had as it has existed forever without beginning or end.

    5. Intelligence is a spirit from age to age.

    The ages of time are cut out of eternity. Thus there can be a Generation of Jehovah as beginning with the birth of this Spirit Body and as well a Generation of the mortal Jesus as well as beginning with the birth of his physical body. But there is not beginning or end to Intelligence. While it is a Spirit, it has always been a spirit and ever will be without beginning or end throughout all the ages of time.

    6. There is no creation about Intelligence.

    Intelligence has always been and ever will be. It's spirit of truth had ever been that living intelligence of that of always being of what Is, Is. And any being the compasses Intelligence has that eternal position of being such as the which I AM IS THAT I AM!

    7. All minds of Intelligence are susceptible of enlargement.

    A foundational principle of Intelligence is that of enlargment. This is not a physical enlargment of human Intelligence in terms of 'brain size' per-say..

    8. Intelligence is the light of truth, or, in other words, light and truth.

      "Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be." . . . "The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth." ~ D&C 93:29 & 36 ~

    9. Intelligence cleaveth unto Intelligence.

      "For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgment goeth before the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things." ~ D&C Section 88:40 ~

    While at first glace this scripture seems to speak more about the fact that there is order, even the most proper and logical order in heaven, all things fitting correctly in its rightful place and for that matter this is to be cosidered as such throughout the universe. Yet it does seem signifant as to the order in which these items are placed for presentation. It begins with that ever eternally last spirit of intelligence and it seems to ephasize that intelligence holds together with intelligence.

    10. Whatever Intelligence we attain unto in this life, will rise with us in the resurrection.

      "Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection." ~ D&C 130:18 ~

    This 'principle' seems to be saying is that the accumulation of light and truth that we achive will be what we are able to take with us after death. This is in direct relationship to the concept that 'Intelligence or Truth cleaveth unto "more" Intelligence and Truth and thus it is cummulative or addative to increase. As stated in the record of Abraham, each person's Intelligence can be compared unto another's Intelligence. And that mean the good logic and reasoning the Intelligences can be compared and one can be 'greater' than another in their 'degree' of Intelligence. And they can be comparatively graded. That one intelligence compared to another's intelligence will result in one Intelligence being greater than another's Intelligence — one being above or greater than another.' Our Immediate Ministering God, being Jesus Christ-Jehovah, the Firstborn son is understandibly realtively greater that in his advanced intelligence than all the rest of use later born in our relative recorded intelligence as so stated in Abraham time so stated:

      "And the Lord said unto me: These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God, I am more intelligent than they all. ~ Pearl of Great Price | Abraham 3:19 ~

    This should be understood within the context that it is being stated. Jehovah is speaking to Abraham concerning the matter of things in terms of this earth's current stage of existence. He is not explaining to Abraham at this points beyond that understanding that Abraham then possessed. That is Jehovah is not stating to Abraham that he is more intelligent that Elohim. He is only speaking to Abraham as the 'Lord thy God' his immediate 'Lord God Jehovah,' the 'Ministering God' of the of the Old Testament who was but standing in the stead of the Father as commanded him by the Father to so do! And that 'Ministration' was so require as 'only those who did or do pertain' unto this earth are those who do minister unto it (D&C 130:5). And that is why Elohim as the advaned Celestial Being that he was, selected his Firstborn spirit son to stand in his stead and Minister to this creation in his stead in all things (Leviticus 16:32) as the shadowing of the Law of Moses performances and ordinances set the type of the proper order of things to so be, that 'whom he had anointed and consecrate to be the 'minister' in the 'high' priest's office in his father's stead, shall make the atonement ... .' And this in the Father's stead as though he were the Father's representative in all things, which Jehovah, who is also Jesus Christ has so done.

    Abraham then current understanding would have been relative to the fact that Jehovah was his and all those who pertained to this current creation's consideration was subject to being under Jehovah. Jehovah being the only way and means by which man could ever return to Heaven and God. There was no other way provided. And in terms of Jehovah being the Firstborn of every creature relative to 'this' creation, and the fact that Elohim had selected him to be our Ministering God and Lord as to this creations, Jehovah was the most intelligent of all the Father's spirit children who pertain to what could be termed Jehovah's generation. Certainly Jehovah is not saying to Abraham that his intelligence was greater than Elohim's intelligence. Though in one consideration that intelligence with which we are all endowed with is 'co-equal' as being the same 'spirit intelligence' which we all initially received into and as part of our spirit body.

    But intelligence is cummulative and in effect advances and develops. What Jehovah is tell Abraham, that he Jehovah, the Ministering God of the Old Testament, who has been placed over all the other children of the Father of his, Jehovah's generation; that he Jehovah's intelligence in more intelligent and more advanced than all we, his brothers and sisters who were spiritually born after him. That is the perspective within which Jehovah's statements were given unto Abraham at that time. And in the same thrid chapter of Abraham, Jehovah further does intoduce Abraham to the figure of God the Father of Spirits who had selected Jehovah as the one who would be so sent to be the 1) the temporat creator of heaven and earth, 2) the Ministering Spirit God of the Old Testament, 3) the atoning Savior and Deliverer or Messiah 4) the King and Lord of the Millennium and 5) our final Lord and God of our Final Judgment. And to Moses, as explained in Moses 4:2, Jehovah explained to Moses, and perhaps also to Abraham, that he had so covenanted with the Father, Elohim, that he was subject unto him and that the glory was to the Father. That was just the opposite to what Lucifer had demanded that the honor of the Father was not being considered to be returned unto the glory of the Father. Lucifer was caught up in 'I' sickness of himselfism (Moses 4:1).

    Further by a quick deductive reasoning exercise in respect to such a truth that intelligence is cummulative and none is lost from one life stage to another. In respect to the preexistence it is a matter of a veil of forgetfulness that is placed to insure that we are truly being 'tested' in respect to our own active personal agency and not affected by the past first estate mind. That intelligence is not lost, it is just temporarially blocked or 'forgotten' for a purpose. It will eventually be restored to us at the appropriate time when our mortal second estate probation is completed. In the end all of our intelligence gained will be made available to us, our use and to our advantage.

    11. And if a person gains more knowledge and Intelligence in his life through diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advange in the life exists upon a self-existent principle.

      "And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come." ~ D&C 130:19 ~

    The real perspective is not a competition to get ahead and at an advantage over others, but in a type of competition with our own eternal progression. The added advantage is that which is gained unto ourselves on our eternal progress scale and not that we are getting ahead and 'better' to be placed over anyone else to their disadvantage. It is an all win situation of advancing ourselves on our self advancement course. There is no 'better than' about it, just more of an advantage in respect to our own eternal progress. That is our progression and advancement in advantage is not hurting others, only benefitting ourselves.

    12. Intelligence, Truth, is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself.

    13. Man (the Intelligence thereof) was in the beginning with God.

    As stated in John 1:1, Jesus/Jehovah, the WORD, was with GOD in the beginning, and such is also like unto all of us. We too were with God in the beginning, and it is also that our Intelligence had also been with the Intelligence of GOD before in the past eternity, for all such comes from such as is eternal truth, light and such of the 'mind' which was our Intelligence and was such of GOD's Intelligence as well.

    14. Intelligence (light of truth/light and truth) is the truth/knowledge of things as they are, were, and exists upon a self-existent principle.

      "And now, verily I say unto you, I was in the beginning with the Father, and am the Firstborn;
      "And all those who are begotten through me are partakers of the glory of the same, and are the church of the Firstborn.
      "Ye were also in the beginning with the Father; that which is Spirit, even the Spirit of truth;
      "And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come;
      "And whatsoever is more or less than this is the spirit of that wicked one who was a liar from the beginning."
      ~ D&C Section 93:21-25

    Consider just what might have been Jesus' awswer before Pilate in view of what 'truth' is as defined to be in relationship to intelligence.  






      "Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be." . . . "The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth." ~ D&C 93:29 & 36 ~

    Science of man has announced, somewhat presumptuously and without actual 'Scientist's' approval, that they had found the 'God Particle,' which name they really don't like and prefer its scientific name. They were being a bit facisious, as science for the most part doesn't accept God as such. They called it the 'Higgs boson' or as is 'media touted' the 'god particle.' This, as it is connected to 'creation' or rather the destruction of such. It is by some stated to be able 'one day' to destory the universe, which traveling at the speed of light, would take 10 to the hundredeth power years to actually occur at that speed of light [That is a 1 followed by 100 zeroes years]. That is in theory and man would never even see it coming. It would just happen. That's Science. God's truth is more along the lines that the Intelligence of God is infinitely eternal, which 'Intelligence' forms the basic immortal life structure of man as well as God. So much for 'theory' and God's facts.

    The latter-day prophet Joseph Smith had received revelation from God recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants beginning in May of 1833 and still later is the King Follett Sermon, Joseph Smith spoke more of this basic essence and/or substance of God's eternal nature, which he simply referred to as Intelligence or the 'light of truth.' And Joseph Smith revealed that this Intelligence was a 'spirit.' Yet such a 'spirit,' that not like the Spirit Body of man, did not have a particular restained single form. That is, the intelligence of each living thing would fill that thing's bounds or borders with the light of living truth. That is the intelligence of a cat would be contained and conform or fill the shape and form of a cat, that of a tree the form of the tree, of a frog the form of that frog, and that of a man would fill the shape and form of a man with that of a man, etc. It was the Spirit body form and such as the physical body form within which this 'intelligence light of truth' would work to fill and/or at least radiate their from and into.

    And perhaps like the 'energy of light, as the spirit that it was,' it would have little perceptable or measurable weight. That is the weight of the man alive and the man dead was not significantly meaured being different though for sure the 'spirit intelligence life' of the man had gone out of him. Now the temporal or physical neuro or nervous system and the brain of the 'creature' had measurable weight, but that was only it's tabernacle's bodily substance and not the actual 'life, light and truth' essence and/or enegy substance that constituted the actual intelligence of that 'creature' or man.

    The Light and Life of Man

        THE Plan or Design of Eternal Progression is set in the universe. In the infinite eternity there is the truth of what is, it is the light of the laws that rule the eternal universe and perhaps beyond. And this light of truth is what is called intelligence. Now Intelligence is. It is real. And it has substance, material substance, which is as the universe itself eternally infinite. It has no beginning nor does it ever end. It is that which is and one of its names of titles is 'I AM!' Or as also stated, "I AM, THAT I AM!" There is and what there is, is truth that is light that is substance that is matter that is intelligence. And that Intelligence is alive, living, and it has a spirit substance that is the most pure matter of existence. It is Eternal. It is the fundamental source of all life. It has an essense and identity. And all that is and is living comes from and is co-eternal with all else that is because all is founded there in and 'upon' this intelligence.

    Now as to the further details of this eternally infinite 'stuff' of living intelligence it is not given or understood by man except when it is given by the light of that intelligence to the intelligence of man by the power of truth in and through the powers of the ministering spirit light of truth. And intelligence clives unto intelligence and may grow and develop according to the very laws of the light of truth. Intelligence is the Spirit of Truth and Truth is knowledge of things as they 'really truly' are.

    We are not given know all about 'intelligence' as to any other such discriptive analysis of just what intelligence is, but beyond the 'light of truth' what man understands and in such visualizations, may help. Intelligence is associate with the mind or human brain thought its 'nerve' associated structure 'floods' on down the spin and into every live part of the human body of man. And thus is is said that the light of truth may actually fill the entire human body with that light of truth.

    Man has come to understand some of the mysteries of how the mind works in connection with an 'electrical synapse' structure of the mind and on down throughout the body in its nuro-system. Those who have experienced the nerve pain called neuropathy as is associated with diabetis, can testify what it feels like having such shooting 'electrical' pain sensations shooting throughout and culminating at various location in their body; particularly down arms, and legs and into feet and hands and even 'spiking' out at random specific points of the skin. Normally we do not feel these 'explosive' synapses - neurotransmitters, that are also the storers of knowledge not totally dis-similar to internal computer storage and information going through and transmitting through the body. It would be quit painful to even think if we did. Some times we seem to have related headaches when they have to think too much. But that seems to be something else going on rather than just neurotranmitter and nuropathy of electrical charges occuring as felt by actual 'nerve' pain.

    And while all of this does seem to have something to do with our intelligence, none of it really comes down to answering just what this mystery of what this eternal and infinite matter of Spirit Intelligence, the Spirit of Truth, actually is. We may intuatively seem to understand some things, such as the functioning of having to have 'truth' of things as they really are to have proper expansive intelligence growth and that falsehoods and lies can damage and curtail that expansive process, but still exactly what Intelligence, the 'God essensence' and or 'substance' realy is, is quite illusive.

    Just as the mind and understanding of an infant 'grows' and increases in knowledge and understanding we may also 'visualize' the growing light of expanding synapsis of the mind growing and expanding in knowledge and understanding of things as they truly are. Complication may arise when a falsehood or a untruth enters into the workings of the mind. It does not fit or 'fire' true and it tends to block and or contort one proper or true understanding. We are told that Lucifer followed a path of lies, that is untruths and that seems to have eventually blocked his further intellectual growth and advancement. Not that he was 'stupid' or had a low IQ so to speak, but that his mental tracking became compromised with falsehoods and non-functional truth.

    'The 'mind' or the 'intelligence' which man possess is co-equal [co-eternal] with God himself.' (Joseph Smith, - King Follett Sermon (conclusion)). The actual mind and intelligence gathering system, the nero or nervous system and its further unique 'intelligence' recepters of sight, tactal touch, taste, smell and hearing runs throughout the body and connects back to the brain or central processing a storage unit of collected intelligences. It is an 'electrical' system of 'white light' knowledge of truth collected about things as they really are. Like a computer it is 'electrically' ran. We study but the physical system of fleshing cellular parts but without the power of the 'light' of truth, it stands dead and inoperable. But it does give us some notion as to how the 'intelligence' of man works with its working parts of the contributed spirit and physical structures added. And interesting is the fact that every creature's 'intelligence system conforms to the form and nature of the individual animanl, A frogs system conforms to a frog's shape and form, so does a cat's, as also does that of a man.

    And while 'intelligence' has its own life eternal, that which makes us all eternal in nature, without the spirit body form of eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and tactal sensation throughout the body, further input elements are only added as the intelligence combines to its source collection spirit body form, and later when the physical form and structure is further added to the human form. And perhaps the fact that intelligence is the 'light of truth,' we really do not need to understand further but to learn and understand how it work within us as to the growth of our intellectual advancement in our understanding and knowledge of this earth's the the universe's knowledge and understanding that we do gain and expand upon in our own person learn, knowledge and understanding.

    When compared to a compurter system, I can't help but consider that we are 'uploading' knowledge, experience, and intelligence on a daily basis. Just how fast we can so upload may be quite another question. Though I do not expect that we would ever become such as a cyborg of machine and man, I do consider that all that we need is built into our body form. We use but a small part of our actual mental capacity and just how far that come be inhanced and stretched by and immortal eternal body of glorified being seem to expand ourselves infinitely as we learn to connect directly to the knowledge and intelligence that is in the universe by direct contact to and accesses of so to speak the 'cloud' in mili-seconds of time to have it conveived to us immediately upon our need and demand and asemilated just as quickly to our understanding and comprehension. And while our present nero-system runs through the whole of our body now, what powers there are to expand such as when 'light and intelligence' may flow into our intelligence as through the tips of our fingers, seeing all that there is to see and understand even through them.