S A N D E R S / S A U N D E R S of S T M A R T I N L O O E
and of E A S T L O O E C H A P E L
SANDERS & SAUNDERS: The are the same name, in St Martin by Looe and the East Looe Chapel
that is for sure, because the Sander/Saunder family has been double entered and placed in both
records under both names. And for one to come to the correct conclusion as to this family they
absolutely have to go through both parish records to sort it all out properly!
The East Looe Chapel is practically swallowed up by the town's buildings and structures to
the extent that you really cannot get a goof view of it without capturings all the buildings
round about it. This picture of it at the right is about as good of an isolated view as you
can get.
Saunders or Sanders is of ancient origin and has long been accepted as derivative a of the
name Alexander. Throw in such phonetic spellings and you have a wide variety of forms of
the name. Just when it came to England to stay is variously told.
East Looe Chapel