Gen. 12: 3 | (Abr. 2: 9-12) in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. |
Ex. 19: 6 | ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests. |
Isa. 42: 1 | mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth. |
Isa. 45: 4 | Israel mine elect, I have even called thee. |
Isa. 49: 6 | give thee for a light to the Gentiles. |
Isa. 65: 9 | mine elect shall inherit it. |
Isa. 65: 22 | mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. |
Matt. 24: 22 | (Mark 13: 20) for the elects sake those days shall be shortened. |
Matt. 24: 24 | (Mark 13: 22; JS-M 1: 22) they shall deceive the very elect. |
Matt. 24: 31 | (Matt. 24: 22; JS-M 1: 27) they shall gather together his elect. |
John 15: 16 | Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you. |
Rom. 8: 17 | heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ. |
Rom. 9: 4 | Israelites, to whom pertaineth the adoption. |
Rom. 9: 11 | purpose of God according to election might stand. |
Rom. 11: 5 | remnant according to the election of grace. |
Gal. 4: 5 | that we might receive the adoption of sons. |
Eph. 1: 4 | chosen us in him before the foundation of the world. |
Col. 3: 12 | Put on therefore, as the elect of God. |
1 Thes. 1: 4 | knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God. |
2 Thes. 2: 13 | God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation. |
1 Tim. 5: 21 | I charge thee before God . . . and the elect angels. |
2 Tim. 2: 10 | endure all things for the elects sake. |
Titus 1: 1 | according to the faith of Gods elect. |
1 Pet. 1: 2 | Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father. |
1 Pet. 2: 9 | ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. |
2 Pet. 1: 10 | give diligence to make your calling and election sure. |
2 Jn. 1: 1 | elder unto the elect lady. |
Enos 1: 27 | he will say unto me . . . there is a place prepared. |
Mosiah 5: 15 | Lord . . . may seal you his. |
Mosiah 26: 20 | thou shalt have eternal life. |
Alma 13: 3 | called and prepared from the foundation of the world. |
3 Ne. 28: 3 | ye shall come unto me in my kingdom. |
D&C 29: 7 | mine elect hear my voice. |
D&C 35: 20 | to the salvation of mine own elect. |
D&C 59: 23 | peace in this world and eternal life. |
D&C 84: 34 | become . . . the church and kingdom, and the elect of God. |
D&C 84: 99 | redeemed his people, Israel, according to the election. |
D&C 95: 8 | build a house . . . to endow those whom I have chosen. |
D&C 131: 5 | knowing that he is sealed up unto eternal life. |
D&C 132: 19 | to their exaltation and glory in all things. |
D&C 132: 49 | I seal upon you your exaltation, and prepare a throne. |
D&C 132: 57 | I was with Abraham . . . even unto his exaltation. |
Abr. 3: 23 | thou wast chosen before thou wast born. |