Eccl. 8: 2 | I counsel thee to keep the kings commandment. |
Isa. 3: 12 | they which lead thee cause thee to err. |
Isa. 9: 6 | (2 Ne. 19: 6) government shall be upon his shoulder. |
Isa. 9: 7 | (2 Ne. 19: 7) Of the increase of his government . . . there shall be no end. |
Isa. 22: 21 | I will commit thy government into his hand. |
Matt. 22: 21 | (D&C 63: 26) Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesars. |
Rom. 13: 1 | Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers . . . powers that be are ordained of God. |
1 Cor. 12: 28 | God hath set . . . helps, governments. |
Eph. 6: 12 | we wrestle . . . against spiritual wickedness in high places. |
1 Tim. 2: 1-2 | prayers . . . For kings, and for all that are in authority. |
Titus 3: 1 | be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates. |
1 Pet. 2: 13 | Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man. |
2 Pet. 2: 10 | them that walk after the flesh . . . and despise government. |
Mosiah 23: 8 | have just men to be your kings. |
Mosiah 29: 26 | do your business by the voice of the people. |
Alma 43: 17 | Moroni took . . . the government of their wars. |
Alma 46: 35 | that they might maintain a free government. |
Alma 51: 5 | in a manner to overthrow the free government. |
Alma 54: 17 | rob them of their right to the government. |
Alma 54: 24 | to obtain their rights to the government. |
Alma 58: 36 | there is some faction in the government. |
Alma 59: 13 | Moroni was angry with the government. |
Alma 60: 14 | judgments of God . . . because of . . . slothfulness of our government. |
Alma 60: 24 | cleansed our inward vessel, yea, even the great head of our government. |
Hel. 1: 18 | so much difficulty in the government. |
Hel. 5: 2 | governments were established by the voice of the people. |
Hel. 6: 39 | obtain the sole management of the government. |
Hel. 7: 5 | to be held in office at the head of government. |
3 Ne. 3: 10 | my people may recover their rights and government. |
3 Ne. 7: 2 | they did destroy the government of the land. |
3 Ne. 7: 6 | regulations of the government were destroyed. |
3 Ne. 7: 11 | entered into a covenant to destroy the government. |
3 Ne. 7: 14 | not united as to their laws, and their manner of government. |
3 Ne. 9: 9 | did destroy the peace of my people and the government. |
D&C 41: 4 | I will be your ruler when I come. |
D&C 58: 21 | he that keepeth the laws of God hath no need to break the laws of the land. |
D&C 58: 22 | be subject to the powers that be, until he reigns. |
D&C 88: 34 | that which is governed by law is also preserved by law. |
D&C 98: 5 | law of the land which is constitutional . . . is justifiable before me. |
D&C 98: 9 | when the wicked rule the people mourn. |
D&C 101: 77 | constitution of the people, which I have suffered to be established. |
D&C 105: 32 | let us become subject unto her laws. |
D&C 134: 1 | We believe that governments were instituted of God. |
D&C 134: 2 | no government can exist in peace, except . . . secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience. |
D&C 134: 5 | men are bound to sustain and uphold . . . governments. |
Abr. 1: 25 | first government of Egypt was established by Pharaoh. |
Abr. 1: 25 | government of Ham, which was patriarchal. |
Fac. 2, Fig. 1 | First in government, the last pertaining to . . . time. |
A of F 12 | We believe in being subject to kings, presidents. |