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See also Almsgiving

Luke 3: 11two coats, let him impart to him that hath none.
Mosiah 4: 21(Mosiah 4: 26; Mosiah 18: 27-28; Alma 1: 27) ought to impart of the substance.
Alma 12: 9impart . . . portion of his word which he doth grant.
Alma 32: 23he imparteth his word by angels.
Alma 34: 28impart of your substance, if ye have.
D&C 11: 13impart unto you of my Spirit.
D&C 19: 34Impart a portion of thy property.
D&C 42: 31impart Of your substance unto the poor.
D&C 104: 18if any man . . . impart not his portion.
D&C 105: 3they . . . do not impart of their substance.

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