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Luke 23: 45veil of the temple was rent in the midst.
Rev. 14: 6(D&C 88: 92) another angel fly in the midst of heaven.
3 Ne. 11: 8(3 Ne. 17: 12; 3 Ne. 19: 15; 3 Ne. 27: 2) Man . . . came down and stood in the midst of them.
3 Ne. 20: 22powers of heaven shall be in the midst of this people.
D&C 29: 5be glad, for I am in your midst.
D&C 32: 3I myself will . . . be in their midst.
D&C 38: 7I am in your midst and ye cannot see me.
D&C 45: 59Lord shall be in their midst.
D&C 49: 27I will be in your midst, and you shall not be confounded.
D&C 84: 25he took Moses out of their midst.
D&C 88: 13God . . . who is in the midst of all things.
Moses 7: 69God . . . dwelt in the midst of Zion.

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