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See also Arm; Courage; Health; Might; Power; Priesthood, Power of; Strengthen; Strong

Ex. 15: 2(Ps. 19: 14; Ps. 27: 1; Ps. 118: 14; Isa. 12: 2; Isa. 26: 4; 2 Ne. 22: 2) Lord is my strength.
1 Sam. 2: 9by strength shall no man prevail.
1 Sam. 15: 29Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent.
2 Sam. 22: 33(Ps. 18: 2; Ps. 73: 26; Hab. 3: 19; 1 Ne. 21: 5) God is my strength.
Neh. 8: 10joy of the Lord is your strength.
Job 12: 13With him is wisdom and strength.
Ps. 29: 11Lord will give strength unto his people.
Ps. 71: 16go in the strength of the Lord.
Ps. 84: 5Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee.
Prov. 10: 29way of the Lord is strength.
Isa. 40: 31wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
Isa. 51: 9(2 Ne. 8: 24) put on strength, O arm of the Lord.
Isa. 52: 1(D&C 113: 8) put on thy strength, O Zion.
Dan. 10: 8there remained no strength in me.
Hag. 2: 22I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms.
Mark 12: 30(Luke 10: 27) love the Lord . . . with all thy strength.
Luke 1: 51He hath shewed strength with his arm.
Rom. 5: 6when we were yet without strength . . . Christ died.
2 Cor. 12: 9my strength is made perfect in weakness.
Eph. 3: 16strengthened with might by his Spirit.
Rev. 5: 12receive power . . . and strength.
Rev. 12: 10Now is come salvation, and strength.
Mosiah 4: 27(D&C 10: 4) not . . . run faster than he has strength.
Mosiah 9: 17in the strength of the Lord did we go forth.
Mosiah 11: 19(Hel. 4: 13; D&C 3: 4) they did boast in their own strength.
Alma 20: 4(Alma 26: 12) in the strength of the Lord thou canst do all things.
Alma 56: 56fought as if with the strength of God.
3 Ne. 3: 12cry unto the Lord for strength.
Moro. 9: 18I have but the strength of a man.
Moro. 10: 32(D&C 98: 47) love God with all your might, mind, and strength.
D&C 4: 2serve him with all your . . . strength.
D&C 11: 20keep my commandments, yea, with all your . . . strength.
D&C 59: 3earth . . . shall bring forth in its strength.
D&C 89: 20run and not be weary.
D&C 101: 21stakes, for the curtains or the strength of Zion.
D&C 105: 16say unto the strength of my house.
Moses 1: 20calling upon God, he received strength.
Moses 5: 37ground it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength.
JS-H 1: 20I had no strength.
JS-H 1: 48my strength so exhausted as to render me entirely unable.

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