Putting the Pieces Together

In this chapter, it well be shown that science and religion really do not disagree. The Bible will be used to establish the portion of earth's history, which applies to mankind. The lands of the Book of Mormon will be shown to be related to the Bible's history of earth. A number of assertions will be presented based upon scripture, collected evidences, logic, reason and possibility derived from such.

Science Verses Religion Misnomer

God and science do not conflict. It is man that makes the conflict. Incorrect religious dogma is at the source of religion's cause of the conflict and incorrect theories are at the science end of the opposing arguments. When the total truth is known, there is no conflict. When the complete truth be known, it will be seen that there is no conflict between Science and God. The difference is man made due to man's lack of knowledge and understanding on both sides of the argument. There are those men of religion who stand in error and there are those men of science who stand in error. Theoretical dogma and Religion dogma on the part of men cause the conflict. When God's word is wrongly interpreted and set as Religious truth, when scientific theory is poorly stated not knowing all of the facts, then there is a conflict of man's interpretation and understanding of God and his Universe.

Before the age of accurate map making, before the time when man could visualize the entire planet earth upon which he lived, before accepted recorded histories, just what this earth, its oceans, and land masses where like is a matter of mostly speculation. Science through its theories speculates about these things, and although they speak of times when man did not exist upon the planet, they proclaim with academic authority of how things where way back when. With the age of modern observation of the earth's present status quo, they build and project with a little bit of information and evidence and a lot of speculative theorization about such things. For the most part, the science of today spurns most ancient traditions, legends, folklore, and histories, which do not coincide with their own prognosis. And for the most part they likewise spurn religious histories as myth and fables such as the Greek tales of the Gods and their fabled relations with man. This also applies to the accounts given in the Bible for the most part. Science in general just does not accept the Bible as fact.

Most of this disparity between science and religion, namely the Bible in this case, has much of its early roots of beginnings in the days when the Dark Ages of man's ignorance began to be exposed to the light of the Renaissance Age, when knowledge and learning had a rebirth. Unfortunately the religious dogma ascribed to the interpretation of the scriptures was then in the hands of 'The Church' which held itself as the supreme holder of all truth and knowledge and would persecute those who contradicted what 'The Church' had so stated. But how 'The Church' of that age interpreted the scriptures often contradicted what man through science was in the process of learning about his world.

Thus science in the interest of knowledge and learning was basically forced to reject religion. For example when 'The Church' of the Dark Ages, which is still the way many Churches of today still interpret the Biblical account of the Creation, says that God created something out of nothing. And states that God created this earth in seven days about 6000 years ago, before which time there was no earth, science understandably points out that it just ain't so. And what science has proceeded to do based on those types of disagreement, is to divorce them self from religion and God, when in fact they should only divorce themselves from man's false interpretations of the scriptures. For the scriptures are true as far as they have been transcribed, translated, and interpreted correctly.

There is a song about 'Give Me That Old Time Religion.' Often the song is used to refer to the Old Time Christian Churches. Yet that's not what it says. It says if it was 'Good Enough for Moses' it is good enough for me. Moses authored or penned the first five books of the Old Testament. Moses wrote the account of the creation and the story of man from the days of Adam on down. It is a history, religious in nature about this earth. Moses did not live back in the time of the 'creation' of the earth, he did not live back in the time of Adam, Enoch, Noah, Peleg, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or Joseph. Yet he tells all their stories. It is assumed that Moses had other records and accounts from which he wrote these histories. Thus Genesis becomes an abridgement put together in the days of Moses of the days before his time. This is basically how Mormon put together the most part of the Book of Mormon, an abridgement and compilation from other records and accounts.

Moses had one distinct advantage. He was a Prophet of God, and as such what he wrote became scripture. The bulk of the Old Testament is just that, the writings of prophets and inspired men. The New Testament is just that, as it is write by the Apostles, who where prophets and inspired men of God. So God worked with Prophets throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament. Did God stop working through prophets and scriptural writings? If so, why? The Book of Mormon points us to the fact that in the Americas in the days of the Jaredites and the days of the Nephites that God so conducted his business with man through prophets. So where are the prophets today? For a long period there was a famine in all the earth for the want to hear the word of God as there were no prophets and the earth plunged into the Dark Age of ignorance. The great civilizations of the Americas where lost. The Old World also experienced the famine and it is known as the Dark Ages of Man. No wonder that correct interpretation of the scriptures where lost without any prophets. But God has again called prophets upon the earth in these the Latter-Days in preparation for His Second Coming.

So now there can be correct interpretation to such things as the scripture's account of the creation of the earth. Through the teachings and writings of modern prophets and inspired men comes a much different picture of the scripture's account of the creation. In summary, Earth was not created out of nothing. The term creation as used in the Old Testament was not something from nothing, There is no such thing as immaterial matter. Everything that is created or formed is created or formed out of something. Thus God created earth in the same sense that a painter or artist creates their work of art. It was organized and structured out of matter that was unorganized or improperly structured for the purpose that God had in mind for it. To God time does not exist. He is from eternity to eternity. He is Alpha and Omega. The Universe, His master creation began eons of ages ago and will continue on into eternity. God did not just begin creating the universe 6000 years ago the very nature of his being, being eternal logically implies that. And modern prophets and inspired men so confirm that today.

God told Moses concerning the 'creation' or organization of this earth for God's purposes in relationship to Adam. And what God told Moses was a formula, recipe or logical pattern of preparing an earth for the habitation of God's children. The history of this earth prior to that re-organization is not given to man's understanding in the scriptures. I dare say that man is learning somewhat about that 'pre-history' through science. That is not what matters to God and his children who he has placed here upon this earth, of which I claim to be one of his such children. I did not evolve from an ape like creature. God is my creator. That is why I call him Father. God's re-creation of this earth did not take 6 or 7, 24 hour days. Remember God is not subject to such time measurement. However God had to reside some where, and according to inspired writings and translations, where God resides, one days to God is as a Thousand years to man. Yet even that does not measure the days of the creation. God called each of the time periods of the creation days. That is what God called them, they were not 24 hours long, they were not necessarily 1000 years long, they were periods of duration to which God called the first, second and so on, periods, times or days. Yet the 1000 years to one of God's days gives meaning to the statement that God said to Adam about the forbidden fruit when He said, 'In the 'day' in which thou partake of this fruit, thou shalt surely die. No man has lived longer than a 1000 years without experiencing an end or death to this mortal earthly existence.

Earth Revlant History

Adam in America, Islands disappear, Enoch taken up, Noah's flood, Peleg's division, the Book of Mormon's continental collisions, this dynamic earth.

Bible and Book of Mormon Relates

Suggested Implications