1 THE words of the aPreacher, the son of David, king in
  2 aVanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of
vanities; all is bvanitya.
  3 What aprofit hath a man of all his labour which he
taketh under the sun?
2a all is vanity Relatively speaking, all
that pertains to this temporal mortality is but vain or vanity. It is of little or no gain or
profit. That which is of worth pertains to eternity and to the everlasting relm of God. The only
two things which man may take out of this world is those which link him to heaven and heaven's
blessings. These be that what principle of intelligence in attains to in this life will rise
with him in the resurrection and be to his advantage. The other is that all such covenants of
the Lord in which man has entered into by the ordiances of the Lord will have an eternal link
and an everlasting effect such as baptism, receiving of the Holy Ghost, priesthood, temple
endowment, celestial marriage and the washings, anointings and sealing of blessing by the hand
and voice of God preformed by his priesthood power in such as the temples of the Lord. These are
that which is of great worth and eternal value and are enforced on into eternity.
Eccl. 7:27
IE empty, fleeing, unsubstantial
1 Sam. 12:21;
Matt. 16:26;
2 Ne. 9:51