~ Cumorah is Cumorah Still ~

by Don R. Hender

One may ask and understandably so, 'What about all the other General Authorities and Presidents of the Church?' 'What are their stated opinions on the matter?' Well the facts covering this are at least a couple. First, for the first 100 years or so, Cumorah was Cumorah, no real questions asked. So when an authority spoke, there was no reference in a debate form that Cumorah was 'the' Cumorah in New York. It was just what was. Curmorah was Curmorah and it was understood that it was the Cumorah in the state of New York. Thus the plain and simple statements regarding Cumorah required no more definition or explanation than to just use the term Cumorah which meant 'the' Cumorah in the state of New York

One such simple and singular statement is that of President Heber J. Grant when he spoke of Cumorah.

". . . The wonderful record of the ancient people of this continent, The Book of Mormon, was brought forth from its hiding place in the Hill Cumorah, containing a fulness of the gospel as taught by the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, upon this continent of America. . ."(Era 23:472-3)(Gospel Standards, Sellections from the Sermons and Writings of Heber J. Grant, Seventh President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, compiled by Dr. G. Homer Durham.)

It is a shame of sorts that the beautiful language of President Grant in relation to the Gospel has to here take second seat to the single idea and phrase indicating where the Book of Mormon was extracted from, the Hill Cumorah. This simple mention of the Hill Cumorah being the hiding place of the Book of Mormon goes without question or assertion to what Hill Cumorah is being refered to. It took no such clarification or distraction to so stipulate anything other than that it was the Hill Cumorah in New York. It was just the automatic assumption that he was speaking of the Hill Cumorah in New York and that is was the same Hill Cumorah as recorded in the Book of Mormon. And this because it just was by common consenses and general understanding held by the body of the Church to be so. After all, it was what the Sunday School manuals and authorities had always said. How simple, straightforward and unobtrusive it was when Curmorah was just Cumorah, and that was all.

This 'common understanding' is reflected in a quote from a message by Elder John H. Vandenburg, Assistant to the Council of the Twelve, as recorded under the title 'Touchstone of Truth', Ensign, 1974, p. 11.

Now Elder Vandenburg needed not to be any more clear about what he said to be understood, for unlike what proponants of the Mesoamerican Cumorah would have one believe, there was no such confusion in the general populous of the Church who understood and followed the brethren. The Book of Mormon peoples lived upon the American Continents, plural, a fact confirmed by President Faust of the First Presidency in January's message from the First Presidency of 2004, as was stated by Elder Vandenburg in 1974. And with the 'common understanding' that Cumorah was Cumorah, when Elder Vandenburg stated that the record was deposited in a hill known as Cumorah and that we now know it to be in the state of New York, he was not stating that Joseph Smith did not know his hill of Cumorah not to be in what was now the state of New York. He was clearly implying that the hill known to the Nephites as Cumorah was now to be known as being in the state we call New York.

Even now days, the same simple references appear. Many of the General Authorities just do not make the effort to reply to such notions of Cumorah being anything but Cumorah. Others avoid the 'controversy' as the Church has stated that it supports no such 'Official mapping' of the Book of Mormon. Yet if one reads with understanding that comes from the scriptures such as understanding that D&C 128:20 was speaking about the 'land of Cumorah' and not just the 'hill of Cumorah,' then such light is still shining in the words of our Prophet Leaders. Remember that Joseph Smith stated that 'Cumorah' was the land from which the 'glad tidings' of the Gospel coming forth was heard. Read the next quote as our current President and Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley puts forth the same concept that the regions of the gospel and church coming forth was that of the 'land of Cumorah' in the State of New York. This correlates and collaborates that it was the land of Cumorah which housed the events of early Church history.

And then followed the troubles that came like legions after the Church was organized. It was a long journey from the land of Cumorah to the valley of the Great Salt Lake as it was traveled in those early days, moving from place to place a cause and a kingdom and a people. Each location at first appeared as an oasis and subsequently became a place of despair. Repeatedly they arrived to search for peace, built for a season, and then were forced to leave, the objects of intolerance and persecution.

(BE THOU AN EXAMPLE, by Gordon B. Hinckley, page 110)

Certainly President Hinckley is refering to the lands round about New York State where the early Chruch began as defined in D&C 128:20 as being that of Cumorah. It would be complete nonsense to even imply that President Hinckley was saying from Central Amercia to Salt Lake City. That just was not the route of the long journey being traveled. It was from the 'land of Cumorah' where Joseph Smith had seen God the Father and Jesus Christ in New York. It was from the 'land of Cumorah' where Joseph Smith had been visited by Moroni who provided Joseph with the plates from the 'hill of Cumorah' in New York. It was the 'land of Cumorah' where the priesthood was resotred, the Book of Mormon translated and printed, and the was Chruch first organized all in that same region of New York. This was the 'land of Cumorah' of the Gospel's restoration from which the earliest of saints made there way via Ohio, Missouri, Illinios, and on across the plains to the Great Salt Lake. One such ancestor family was mine, the family of Henry Alanson Cleveland who was one of the first 100 members of the Church who traveled from New York to Ohio to Missouri to Illinois, and then to Salt Lake City. Those ancestors of mine are buried in the Centerville cemetary, Davis County, Utah. Surely President Hinckley knows whereof he speaks when is says 'the land of Cumorah.' My ancestors would have known it. And I believe that I also know it, that Cumorah is Cumorah in New York State.

And certainly the list of the others could go on and on, listing that they just speak of Cumorah as being Cumorah. Accepting the teaching of the early authorities without question of feeling the need to other wise so quailify any of their reference to Cumorah being anything other that the Cumorah in the State of New York. And as for the most part, those who are specifically quoted as supporting Cumorah being Cumorah, these are the ones that can be found on record making it a matter of distinction or definition as to whereof they do speak concerning Cumorah. The more pointed point here is who of the General Authorities can be quoted as actively supporting a Mesoamerican Cumorah? And there in lies the 'negative' proof by default against it.


After this angel, called Moroni, had explained to the boy during that whole night many important things pertaining to his mission, he [Moroni] showed him [Joseph Smith] the Hill Cumorah, in which were deposited the plates from which was translated the Book of Mormon. This reality was of such a character that the next morning, or perhaps about noon time, this young man went to the place called the Hill Cumorah, because he had seen it in vision the night before and that early morning with such completeness and such plainness that he went directly to the place which was shown him in the vision, and where the plates were deposited. And with some kind of an instrument cleared away the remaining earth that covered the stone which covered the box; and, after he had removed the covering of the stone box which contained the records, like any curious youth or man, he reached forward in an attempt to take from the sacred box its contents, when, to his astonishment, he heard a voice forbidding him, and telling him that the time had not yet arried for him to take these sacred treasures, and that he must further prepare himself by a course of waiting and preparation until such time as he might prove himself worthy of this great responsibility.

(Elder Hyrum G. Smith, Conference Report, October 1926, Afternoon Session 108.)


A familiar sight to the Prophet Joseph Smith was the accompanying photograph of the setting sun in "A Land of Many Waters."

As I sat, I pondered: What a glorious sight! If only those hills, those waters, those woods could speak! Did the rippling waves so sparkle one hundred years ago, when along yonder hill the prophet of the living God made many trips to and from Colesville, Harmony, Fayette, and Hill Cumorah, carrying the record of a lost civilization? Those same hills 1,500 years ago were the hunting grounds and last camp of Mormon and his Nephite army. There, too, the vanquished Jaredites made their last stand.

The picture shows Lake Cayuga, one of the many glacial lakes of central and northern New York, which I think are spoken of in the Book of Mormon as "A land of many waters." The north end of Cayuga is six miles east of the Peter Whitmer farm where the Church was organized, and is only thirty miles southeast of the Hill Cumorah.

Mormon and Moroni, in the closing chapters of the Book of Mormon and in the latter's personal instructions to Joseph Smith, in my estimation, unquestionably identifies this portion of New York state.

"And it came to pass that we did march forth to the land of Cumorah, and we did pitch our tents round about the Hill Cumorah; and it was in a land of many waters, rivers and fountains." (Mor: 6:4.)

The early history of the Nephites tells that King Limhi sent forth three of his men to find their friends at Zarahemla. "They were lost in the wilderness for the space of many days, yet they were diligent, and found not the land of Zarahemla, but returned to this land, having traveled in a land among many waters; having discovered a land which was covered with bones of men, and of beasts, etc., and was also covered with ruins of buildings of every kind; having discovered a land which had been peopled with a people who were as numerous as the hosts of Israel." (Mosiah 8:8.)

A knowledge of the fertility and natural resources of the land to the north is evidenced in the advice of the leader of the opposing forces of the armies of Moroni, the great Nephite general:

"Morianton put it into their hearts that they should flee to the land which was northward, which was covered with large bodies of water, and take possession of the land which was northward." (Alma 50:29.)

Again I think there is reference to the same country when we read that many left "Zarahemla and went forth unto the land northward, to inherit the land. And they did travel to an exceeding great distance, insomuch that they came to large bodies of water, and many rivers." (Helaman 3:3-4.)
(Improvement Era, 1926 Vol. Xxx. December, 1926 No. 2 )


SUMMER tourists motoring along the highway from Palmyra to the town of Manchester, in New York state, will not doubt be mystified when they find that a formerly bald hill of the region has been turned into a beauty spot by the hands of man.

This is the Hill Cumorah, the topographical character of which has probably not changed much during the past fourteen centuries.

Since the purchase of that historic spot, where the golden plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated were hidden from the eyes of the world for more than fourteen centuries, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has entered upon an active campaign to make the hill a place of beauty and an attraction to the tourist. . . .

This hill has been the scene of some of the greatest events that have transpired in the history of man upon the earth. It may be appropriate here to review a few of these historical occurrences which have done so much toward the shaping of man's destinies on this continent. Here, more than 24 centuries ago, the descendants of Jared and his brother fought their exterminating battle. It was in this neighborhood also that they rebelled against the Lord, killed his prophets and drove Ether, the last prophet among them, into exile. His life was spared to finish the record of his people, and his pathetic story is told in a most touching manner. On this spot, about ten centuries later, Mormon, in the anguish of his heart over the sins of his people and for the last time, called upon them to repent. But the spirit of the Lord had ceased to strive with them; and before the close of that fatal day, Mormon's ten thousand stalwart soldiers, together with many other ten thousands whom he had led to battle against his foes, the Lamanites, lay dead on the battle field. Moroni and a few of his followers were the only Nephites to escape. This prophet remained in hiding until he had completed the records which had been entrusted to his care. One can imagine how he stole forth, perhaps in the darkness of night, and deposited the plates in the hill where they were to remain protected by divine power for about 1400 years. Passing over that period of spiritual darkness we again find Moroni, still the custodian of those sacred treasures. Acting under instruction, he visit Joseph Smith, and prepares him for his mission on this earth. Together they stand on this hill and, after four years of preparatory waiting, the angel turns the golden plates over to the youthful prophet for the purpose of translation.
(Cumorah by Henry Smith, Improvement Era, 1929, Vol. Xxxii. April, 1929 No. 6 .)


Of all the places on the earth, sacred to the hearts of the Latter-day Saints, Judea and Cumorh head the list. Where the ancient prophets lived, suffered and died-and where Jesus the Christ worked out his earth-destiny-that land of Galilee and Jerusalem is dear to the soul of every son of God! But here on this continent, also, prophets lived and suffered and died. Here came the Savior of the world. And here, hunted and driven, the last Nephite prophet rallied his forces around an ancient historic hill which had once before been the last battle ground of a dying nation. Once Ramah, now Cumorah, held about its feet the contending armies of the two great peoples. And here the last vestige of the pure faith and religion of the Nephites dripped, drop by drop, from the heart's blood of the peeled and hunted race which had at last deserted home, truth, love, and God. And here, alone and in exile, Moroni buried the records of his people, and over this sacred spot his resurrected spirit watched for fourteen hundred years with unceasing vigilance the treasures committed to his care. What a tragedy! Could the mind of a mortal conceive such a sublime epic as this?
(Memorial Monument Dedication. by Susa Young Gates., Improvement Era, 1906, Vol. Ix. March, 1906. No. 5. .)

Now in closing, if you have searched all of these statements concerning Cumorah being Cumorah, I feel to ask you one more question concerning whether Cumorah is Cumorah or not. Consider deeply the answer. "So What is Lost if Cumorah is not Cumorah?" As I contemplate an answer to this question I must begin with the consideration that 'MUCH IS LOST!' And the list of what is lost doth astound me! So much is tied up in Cumorah being Cumorah.

Last But Not Least

I'll end with one single paragraph from the 'Introduction' contained in the publication of the Book of Mormon.

From the 'Introduction' page to the Book of Mormon as currently published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as can be seen on the Church's own web pages under the Scriptures, Book of Mormon, Introduction, comes this simple straight forward statement. 'Moroni hid up the plates in the hill Cumorah.' It does not say the 'other hill Cumorah' or the 'hill named the same name as the ancient hill Cumorah of somewhere else' or any such qualifing statement. It is simple and to the point, 'Moroni hid up the plates in the hill Cumorah.' Who would confound and muddle such simple truth as stated by the Church in the Introduction pages of the Book of Mormon to the world by stating 'Cumorah Is Not Cumorah?' Who would confuse the simple truth of the matter by contriving a second unpresidented and ill-conceived hill Cumorah not being in New York where the plates were hid and did come forth, with another supposed hill in Central America? And why, when the Church is so straight forward and simplisticly prue and true in the matter, would someone muddy the crystal clear vantage point and muddle about with such a complexity which tends to confound the presentation of the Gospel of Christ to the World? I don't understand it. Cumorah is Cumorah. The ancient hill Cumorah is where Moroni buried the plates. It is the Cumorah and Ramah of the last great battles of the Nephites and Jaredites. And it is from the Dust of those Dead in the earth from which the record is withdrawn fulfilling the promise of Salvation to the World of the fulness of the Gospel to both the living and the dead of all ages.
Rev. 8-14-01

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