1 WHO is as the wise man? and who knoweth the interpretation
of a thing? a man's wisdom maketh his face to ashine, and the boldness of
his face shall be changed.
  2 I counsel thee to keep the aking's
commandment, and that in regard of the oath of God.
  3 Be not hasty to go out of his
sighta: stand not in an evil thing; for he doeth
whatsoever pleaseth him.
3a Be not hasty to go out of his sight The truth
is that no one is out of the sight of God. He is all seeing. Some think that they can hide from
him, others train their minds to ignore him, so pretend that he is not there, others seemingly
seem to be forcefully removed from him by other's treatments and some just but seem to run unto
sin. For all of Solomon's wisdom, his doing of that which he knew and sometimes preached is not
where he ended up. Solomon's route in one frame of reference seemed to be round about and to
take some extended time before he found himself in the clutches of those strange women that his
wisdom so frequently warned about. And then Solomon's light to truth did dim until he came to
think that whether a man of wisdom or a fool, the whole of man's life was but vanity and without
a redeeming end after death. Thus as a 'preacher' in Ecclesiasties, Solomon seems to show the
cracks in his shield of wisdom, for in wisdom alone is not the answer, but to do according to
that light of truth and learn and keep the ways of God, which is what leads to eternal life and
a life having been worth living and evolving into that which it of great worth and value in the
kingdom and glory of God.
D&C 50:24;
D&C 84:45