St. Neot Hender Families
Compiled and Annotated by Don R. Hender
Why would two brothers move from Lanteglos by
Camelford to St Neot. Perhaps at the time it was a matter of
livelihood, marriage or both. There is round about St. Neot a
variety of various mines for
mine workers to work in, including cooper and tin mines which
Cornwall has long been famous for. As it is it seems that the
first Hender family we can construct from the parish records is
that of John and Jone Hender whose male line goes extinct. It is
later that two brother, John Hender and Thomas Hender arrive from
Lanteglos by Camelford. But back to that first John. I've yet to
have found any families from which his family comes or that
connects to them. So I'll just put up their family pedigree from
the parish record of OPC and we can look upon it with wonderment.
John Hender = Jone Mitchell
m31Oct1671 |
St Neot |
| | | | | |
Jone Hender An Hender Rebecka Hender Margerie Hender Mary Hender Lewis Hender
cb 28 Feb 1671 cb 18 Mar 1673 cb 19 Nov 1676 cb 8 Oct 1679 cb 2 May 1681 cb 3 Sep 1684
St Neot St Neot St Neot St Neot St Neot St Neot
db7May1673 db28Jul1678 db15Oct1679 (dup)
St Neot St Neot St Neot
dau of John dau of John dau of John
Now beyond being born, the only two other things that are required it to die
and pay taxes. Often looking at the burial records of the parish can put much
more information into the identification of who people are. Three of the
daughters of John died as infants or toddlers. The other three are immortal
NOT. But perhaps they'll reappear somewhere else. Now between where the
parish records give those first records to where one might begin to use the
Census records to aid in the family study process. These inbetweeners are
as follows:
John Hender db27May1822 St Neot at age 5 the son of Thomas and Anne. This will be found to be their first son John.
Charles Hender db11Jul1838 St Neot at age 7 of Ambrose Lake Cottage of the Croup. This Charles to be placed with the Ambrose Lake family?
John Hender db6Jun1842 St Neot age 18 from Breaking of a blood-vessel. This will be found to be Thomas and Ann's second son John.
John Hender of Coombe-Housedb23Feb1845 St Neot age 60 from Inflammation of the chest. By name, age dating, etc. he is determined Margaret's husband.
We may have hoped to bridged a part of the gap but perhaps the best we can
do is to help identify those who the census records will bring to bear. Now
Thomas Hender and Anne whose son died at age 5, but perhaps we need to know
look not only to the 1841 Census to see if we have any fits to families that
are constructed from that, but we can also consult the parish marriage
records. Just be sure to check both groom Hender names and bride Hender names.
In this case I'll first set out the 1841 Census record and build from that,
adding in what else is obtained from the other sources as well.
1841 Census
To give a perspective of looking through a Census record, three pages of the
1841 Census relative to the Parish of St Neot is given below. Highlights and
notes to the right will report what is seen herein.
(1841 Census ED14 St Neot book 14 folio 19&20 pages 1-3)
Enumeration District 14
Civil Parish of St. Neot
Book 14 Folio 19 Page 1
Winmouth,1,Peter Hambly,25,,Farmer,In county,
,,Susan Rowe,,40,Independant,In county,
,,Agnes Mallett,,20,Female Servant,In county,
,,Jemima Ley,,14,Female Servant,In county,
,,James Mullon,20,,Male Servant,In county,
,,John Searle,15,,Male Servant,In county,
,,Wm Hender,14,,Male Servant,In county, [William Hender son of John Hender & Margaret p2.]
,,Joseph Keast,11,,Male Servant,In county,
,,Charles Riggs,11,,Male Servant,In county,
Two Waters Inn,1,Joseph Grouden,35,,Stone Cutter,In county,
,,Genefer Grouden,,35,,In county,
,,John Grouden,9,,,In county,
,,William Grouden,5,,,In county,
,,Elizabeth Grouden,,3,,In county,
,,Joseph Grouden,8m,,,In county,
,,Charles Barnacot,20,,Male Servant,In county,
,,Ann Ringdon,,15,Female Servant,In county,
New House Cottage,1,Robert Keast,25,,Ag Lab,In county,
,,Elizabeth Keast,,25,,In county,
,,William Keast,5,,,In county,
,,Jane Keast,,3,,In county,
,,Robt Keast,1,,,In county,
Coon House,1,John Warne,65,,Farmer,In county,
,,Mary Warne,,60,,In county,
,,John Warne,30,,,In county,
Book 14 Folio 20 Page 2
Quarry House,1,James Cook,75,,Mason,Not in county,
,,Sarah Cook,,75,,In county,
Burn House,1,John Hicks,45,,Labourer,In county,
,,Catherine Hicks,,25,,In county,
,,Elizabeth Hicks,,9,,In county,
,,Catherine Hicks,,7,,In county,
,,John Hicks,5,,,In county,
,,Jane Hicks,,3,,In county,
,,Wm Champion,70,,Independant,In county,
Tremorkham,1,James Wherren,25,,Labourer,In county,
,,Jane Wherren,,25,,In county,
,,Mary Wherren,,4,,In county,
,,Mary James,,65,Inmate (Crossed Out),In county,
Jenner Cottage,1,John Oliver,75,,Labourer,In county,
,,Hannah Oliver,,65,,In county,
New House,1,Josiah Growden,65,,Farmer,In county,
,,Elizabeth Growden,,65,,In county,
,,Robert Growden,25,,,In county,
,,Grace Growden,,20,,In county,
,,Wm Langsford,13,,Inmate (Crossed Out),In county,
,,H Rich'd Parsons,30,,Streamer,In county,
Ambrose Lake Cottage,1,John Hender,55,,Labourer,In county, [Note: addresses can remain the
,,Margaret Hender,,55,,In county, same, ie. 'Ambrose Lake Cottage'. 1841 Census ages rounded⇩.
Ashford,1,John Jane,30,,Miller,In county,
,,Jane Jane,,18,,In county,
Book 14 Folio 20 Page 3
Ashford Mills,1,Thos Cheswell,30,,Farmer,In county,
,,Prudence Cheswell,,25,,In county,
,,John Cheswell,3,,,In county,
,,Temperance Cheswell,,9m,,In county,
,,Richard Cheswell,2,,,In county,
,,Jane Sibly,,15,Female Servant,In county,
Landtreise Cottage,1,Thomas Hender,55,,Labourer,In county, Landtreise-various spellings!
,,Ann Hender,,55,,In county, Thomas' and wife Ann's ages rounded ⇩ to nearest '5' years!
,,Thomas Hender,20,,,In county, 15 & older ages also rounded in the 1841 Census. Exact
,,Grace Hender,,15,,In county, ages on other records ie. parish registers to confirm.
,,John Hender**,2,,,In county, Grandson-This family had 2 sons named John who died.
Landtreise Cottage,1,Robert Light,45,,Labourer,In county,
,,Ann Light,,25,,In county,
,,Elizabeth Light,,8,,In county,
,,John Light,1,,,In county,
,,Jane Light,,6,,In county,
Landsfarm,1,Stephen Collings,60,,Farmer,In county,
,,Jane Collings,,55,,In county,
,,Stephen Collings,20,,,In county,
,,John Collings,15,,,In county,
,,Margrit Collings,,15,,In county,
,,Ealford Collings,7,,,In county,
,,Elizabeth Collings,,5,,In county,
Trecenbye Farm,1,Richard Phillips,70,,Farmer,In county,
,,Elizabeth Phillips,,65,,In county,
While the Census can give a good rough picture of who is who, particularly
the later one which name relationship and places of birth, parish records
and wills also go a long way in solidifying these families and picking up
what the once every ten year snap shot does not. The first son, John Hender,
of Thomas and Ann would be entirely missed if not for the parish records.
And wills can reveal for sure who married who and often also states
relationships beyond immediate framily, including grandparents, grandchildren
and neices and nephews.
From reviewing the 1841 Census we roughly set out two families as placed below.
John Hender = Margaret
b1786 (55 1841c) b1786 (55 1841c)
Ambrose Lake Cottage
John Hender William Hender
b1826 (15 1841c) b1827 (14 1841c)
On page 4 (Book 14 Folio 21 Page 4) of
the Census was found a second son as a
servant of John Nicholls Farm, John
Hender age 15, likely a rounded age.
Thomas Hender = Ann
b1786 (55/1841) b1786 (55/1841)
Landtreise Cottage
Thomas Hender Grace Hender John Hender**
b1821 (20/1841) b1826 (15/1841) 1839 (2/1841)
**Mother is Elizabeth Hender not seen
here - may have died post birth of John Hender -
no father listed.
There is also on this St Neot Census another John Hender age 15 on page 12
which may well be Thomas Hender and Ann's son John born 1824 with age rounded.
And there is a David Hender age 65, an Ag Lab on Robert Body age 65 household. John
could be the same John as on page 3, just at a different farm labouring on
a different Census day, or he could be some immmediately unrelated John
Hender to the first two families and related to David Hender age 65. David
Hender could be but a labourer boarding with others or he could be an inlaw
relative. There is nothing on the 1841 Census to clearly indicate which he is.
But using parish records and other soures, additional bits of information
begins to further form these families and add names and historical facts of
We Look for John and Thomas as the Sons
of John Hender and Elizabeth Avery of Lanteglos by Camelford (see this link to that page)
(and that John Hender as son of John Hender and Elizabeth Hodge)
The transition from Lanteglos by Camelford to St. Neot for these two brothers is complicated by
the manner in which the 1841 Census rounds its adult ages, the fact that John Hender dies in 1845
before the 1851 census, and the fact that Thomas Hender's family is recorded/transcribed as
Hendon rather than properly as Hender. It is the 1851 Census that ties Thomas Hender(Hendon) to
being from Camelford where he associated himself from being from rather the just Lanteglos by
Camelford. Given the above like to Lateglos by Camelford, it can be seen there the two brothers
connection between Camelford (Lanteglos) and St. Neot.
[Sue Dent's 5ggfather Thomas Hender?]
Residence: Phillips Tenement, New house
Occupation: Labourer
John Hender = Margaret (Peggy) Lan[k]gsford
c27Jun1784 | c15Apr1787 (dau Thomas Langsford
Lanteglos C | St Neot & Margaret [Willis])
db23Feb1845 | db25Sep1864
St Neot a60 | St Neot a78
Inflammation | (Old Age)
of the chest | Ambrose Lake
m3Dec1819 |
St Neot |
| | | |
John Hender Thos Hendra Wm Hender Char Hender
cb 3Sep1820 c4Jan1824 cb27Aug1826 cb 8May1831
St Neot St Neot St Neot St Neot
rs Newhouse rs Village rs Newhouse db11Jul1838
db18May1885 m25Jun1863 (Lose Leg) St Neot
St Neot a65 St Neot See Below) (age 7)
m1Jan1846 =Fanny Died-Croup
Cardinham Trezona Ambrose Lake
=Mary (See Below)
Chealey db4Dec1890
(See Below) St Neot a67
The 'nick' name for Margaret is 'Peggy', which was the name used in the
parish christening record of Charles Hender. Why is 'peggy' the nick-
name for Margaret, easiest said is, 'It just is.' The long of it is that
it is a matter of British Intelligence. Short for the various forms of
Margaret, Margot, Marguerita, Maggie, Madge, May etc. comes the ryhme
for Mog and Meg as Pog and Peg and thus Brits ryhme meggie-peggie.
It's just British ryhming games.
In search from A to Z they passed,
And "Marguerita" Chose at last;
But thought it sound far more sweet
To call the baby "Marguerite."
When grandma saw the little pet,
She called her "darling Margaret."
Uncle Jack who's John and cousin Aggie
Sent cup and spoon to "little Maggie."
And grandpapa the right must beg
To call the lassie "bonnie Meg."
From "Marguerita" down to "Meg,"
And now she's simply "little Peg."
~ any mouse ~
More information about record
####### in the Baptisms database
Day Month 27-Jun
Year 1784
Parish/Reg Dist Lanteglos by Camelford
Forename John
Surname HENDER
Sex son
Father Forename John
Mother Forename Eliz:
Father Rank Pro
Trans Notes Src: Exeter BTs
Transcriber Sue Mutton
More information about record
####### in the Baptisms database
Day Month 15-Apr
Year 1787
Parish/Reg Dist Neot, St.
Forename Margaret
Sex dau
Father Forename Thomas
Mother Forename Margaret
Father Rank Pro
Trans Notes src: Exeter BTs
Transcriber J Evans/K Halley
More information about record
####### in the Marriages database
Day Month 05-Jul
Year 1819
Parish / Reg District Neot, St.
Groom Fn John
Groom Age
Groom Residence otp
Groom Condition
Groom Rank Profession
Groom Sign/Mark (S/M) S
Groom Father Name
Groom Father Rank Pro
Bride Fn Margaret
Bride Age
Bride Residence otp
Bride Condition
Bride Rank Profession
Bride Sign/Mark (S/M) M
Bride Father Name
Bride Father Rank Pro
Banns/Licence (B/L) B
Witness Fn1 Thomas
Witness Sn1 Richards
Witness Fn2 Joseph
Witness Sn2 Growden
Other Information
Transcriber Notes Src: Exeter BTs
Transcriber Kay Halley
Residence(s): Woodland, Village
Occupation(s): Labourer
Thomas Hender = Ann(e) Lang(s)ford
c25Dec1786 | c11Apr1784(dau Thos Langsford
Lanteglos C | St Neot & Margaret Willis)
d2Feb1856 | db15Nov1870
Higher Lantrease | Higher Lantrease
db5Feb1856 | St Neot a88
St Neot a67 | (Old Age)
(Apoplexy) |
m26Dec1811 |
St Neot |
| | | Thomas |
| Eliz. Hender John Hender Langsford Hender
| cb28Oct1814 cb22Dec1816 c7Nov1819*
| St Neot St Neot St Neot
| res Woodland res village res Woodland
| db27May1822
| St Neot a5
|_________________ Grandson-son of Eliz.
| | |
John Hender Grace Hender John Hender**
cb1Feb1824 cb13Aug1826 b21Feb1839 B.Cert
St Neot St Neot Liskeard Borough
res Woodland res Woodland (m. Eliza. Hender
db6Jun1842 f. name blank)
St Neot a18
Breaking of
blood vessel
*The 1841 census rounded adult ages down
to the nearest 5 years. thus this Baptism
registered/transcribed as just Thomas
Langsford but suspesion is that it is
really Thomas Langsford Hender son of
are Thomas and Ann, Residence of Woodland
profession as Labourer which matches the
records of other children except John
who dies at age 5. This Thomas Langsford
Hender is listed on the 1841 Census with
this family as Thomas Hender (see above).
Others have added to this family an Ann
Hender b/c 1812 which suits their marriage
date of 1811.
More information about record
####### in the Baptisms database
Day Month 25-Dec
Year 1786
Parish/Reg Dist Lanteglos by Camelford
Forename Thomas
Surname HENDER
Sex son
Father Forename John
Mother Forename Elizabeth
Father Rank Pro
Trans Notes Src: Exeter BTs
Transcriber Sue Mutton
More information about record
####### in the Baptisms database
Day Month 11-Apr
Year 1784
Parish/Reg Dist Neot, St.
Forename Ann
Sex dau
Father Forename Thomas
Mother Forename Margaret
Father Rank Pro
Trans Notes src: Exeter BTs
Transcriber J Evans/K Halley
More information about record
####### in the Marriages database
Day Month 26-Dec
Year 1811
Parish / Reg District Neot, St.
Groom Fn Thomas
Groom Age
Groom Residence otp
Groom Condition
Groom Rank Profession
Groom Sign/Mark (S/M) M
Groom Father Name
Groom Father Rank Pro
Bride Fn Ann
Bride Age
Bride Residence otp
Bride Condition
Bride Rank Profession
Bride Sign/Mark (S/M) M
Bride Father Name
Bride Father Rank Pro
Banns/Licence(B/L) B
Witness Fn1 John
Witness Sn1 Dumble
Witness Fn2 Thos
Witness Sn2 Lander
Other Information
Trans Notes or LANGPORT
Transcriber Kay Halley
More information about record
500723 in the Marriages database
Day Month 01-Jan
Year 1846
Parish Or Reg District Cardinham
Groom Fn John
Groom Age full age
Groom Residence Combe House, St Neot
Groom Condition bachelor
Groom Rank Profession miner
Groom Signed / Marked (S/M) m
Groom Father Name John
Groom Father Rank Profession labourer
Bride Fn Mary
Bride Age full age
Bride Residence Brighton Water
Bride Condition spinster
ride Rank Profession
Bride Signed / Marked (S/M) m
Bride Father Name William
Bride Father Rank Profession labourer
Banns / Licence (B/L)
Witness Fn1 John
Witness Sn1 Langsford
Witness Fn2 Thomas
Witness Sn2 Hender
Other Information
Transcriber Notes
Transcriber David Coppin
OPC Cornwall provided Parish extration entry
As one considers the true life situation comes
to life as one studies the record and attempts to place the peple
into the story of it. John Hender, son of John Hender deceased is
marrying Mary Chealey. The father John Hender died of Inflammation
of the chest from his working in the mines. His young son also
works in the mines an at the age of 26 is getting married. Either
John's brother Thomas Hender is one of the witnesses or perhaps
John's uncle Thomas Hender is present and filling in as witness.
The mother's famly is also present and providing support as John
Langford is also acting as one of the witnesses. The deceased John
Hender and his brother 'uncle Thomas' are the sons of John Hender
and Elizabeth Avery of Lanteglos by Camelford north of St. Neot
where they have had to come to work in the mines. It is not an
easy life and brother/nephew has or will lose a leg in a mining
accident. Once recovered with a false leg, William will return to
work in the mines once he learns to work on an artificial, likely
wooden, leg.
The over all fit and flow of the supporting documents should give
supporting evidence and help to judge that the fit is real and
there are no glaring discripences somewhat like a mentally visual
jigsaw puzzle. As the pieces come together a true to life overall
Since the times of Jesus Christ, the TIN MINES of Cornwall have
been one of the centers of obtaining the necessary complimentry
metal of tin fameous the then known world over.
A 'Skip Shaft' leading down into the mines and caverns hundreds and
even thousands of feet under the earth where the mining would be
done, often at levels threatened by sea and water tables. Now the
mines are closed. They ranged both inland and in regions along the
sea where tall cliffs mark the land and the mines endings along the
sea coast. Some mines even reached beneath the sea level's bottom
where the 'stone' sea bottom gave some degree of protection to the
miners below.
The 'Gateway' to the mines below the sea was from a shaft dug
reaching depths of 240 fathoms, 480 yards or 1440 feet below the
sea at Crown Mines. Workers could hear the waves crash above their
head as they toiled. With the roar of the sea in their ears they
knew that one false pick stroke could be their last with sea waters
rushing in upon them. The 'costs' of such tin mining was many
lives as well as limbs. At least in St. Neot the mines were more
Yet round about Neot there are a variety of mine and methods of
mining. Both quary and pit, from clay works to tin. A listing would
include the Gazeland China Clay Works, Gillhouse Mine, Kilham Mine
with 'skip shafts' (Pensilva Tin Mine; Wheal Coryton), Parson's Park
Pit (Parc St Neot Pit), Trefeagle Mine, Westerlake Mine and Wheal
Cicely (Wheal Sicily)*. Before any cesus John Hender, brother of
Thomas Hender, had died of 'INflmmation of the Chest, 1819. As the
1851 Census reveals, John's three sons, John, William, and Thomas,
had become 'Tin and Copper Miners'. His son William would lose a
leg due to his working in the mines. John's brother Thomas, who
had also come to St. Neot, as of the 1851 Census, was still a Ag.
or farm worker.
*[See: @]
1851 Census (The Search for John Hender)
On the Internet I hear the plea, 'I am looking for any information on a John
HENDer** born Liskeard/St. Neot. In the 1851 census he is aged 12 working as a
farm servant in St. Neot.' Additional information follows concerning his later
life, a marriage to a Rebecca N (surname unknown) and the following children:
Elizabeth Manning Hender who married Thomas John A'LEE, Thomas John Hender
who possibly married Cordelia Miller A'LEE, Charles Hender who possibly married
Lucy Truscott COLLINGS. The 1851 Census record cited follows as transcribed
and a part of the OPC project: (Beware of the of the scribe and transcriber -
the one can't write, the other can't read) But First:
1851 Census (Finding Thomas Henderl) Enumeration District 4b
Civil Parish of St. Neot, Eccl. District of -
Folio 358 Page 1
. . .
Folio 363 Page 10
. . .
27, Higher Lankearn, Thomas Hendon, Head, M, 63,, Ag Lab, Camelford Cornwall,, }Thomas Hender, age rounded 55 1841 Census-see above
,, Ann Hendon, Wife, M,, 68,, St Neot Cornwall,, }Ann Hender, wife of Thomas Hender, age rounded 55 1841 Census-see above
Now you transcribe for the census lines as they were:
Hender NOT Hendon - - Right?
. . .
29, Woodland, William Langsford, Head, Head, M, 72,, Farmer of 118 Acres Emp 4, St Neot Cornwall,, }Brother of Ann Hender(two doors up)
,,Bettee Langsford, Wife, M,, 72,, Quethiock Cornwall,,
,,John Langsford, Son, U, 42,, Assistant On Farm, St Neot Cornwall,,
Folio 363 Page 11
,,Chales Langsford, Grnson, U, 11,, Scholar, St Neot Cornwall,,
,,Jane Knight, Servnt, U, 33, House Servant, Roach Cornwall,,
,,William Lemin, Servnt, U,, 24, Farm Servant, Landrake Cornwall,,
,,Henry Masters, Servnt, U, 18,, Farm Servant, St Neot Cornwall,,
,,Thomas Pollard, Servnt, U, 14,, Farm Servant, Luxulyan Cornwall,,
,,John Hender**, Servnt,, 12,, Farm Servant, Liskeard Cornwall,, } Work on his Great Unlce's Farm/gson of Thomas Hender and Ann-see 1841c above
. . .
31, Stockhouse, Charles Langsford, Head, M, 47,, Pauper, St Neot Cornwall, Blind,
,,Elizabeth Langsford, Wife, M,, 46,, St Neot Cornwall,,
,,William Langsford, Son, U, 14,, Ag Lab, St Neot Cornwall,,
,,George Langsford, Son,, 8,, Scholar, St Neot Cornwall,,
,,Thomas Langsford, Son,, 6,, Scholar, St Neot Cornwall,,
. . .
Folio 364 Page 12
. . .
35 Ambroulake, John Henden, Head, M, 30,, Tin And Cooper Miner, St Neot Cornwall,, }Son of John Hender and Margaret Langsford.
,,Mary J Henden, Wife, M,, 33,, Cardinham Cornwall,,
,,Mary Henden, Daur,, 4,,, St Neot Cornwall,, [was missed]
,,William Henden, Son,, 2,,, St Neot Cornwall,,
,,Thomas Henden, Brother, U, 27,, Tin And Copper Miner, St Neot Cornwall,, }Son of John Hender and Margaret Langsford.
,,William Henden, Brother, U, 24,, Pauper (Loss Of Leg), St Neot Cornwall,, }Son of John Hender and Margaret Langsford.
Hender NOT Henden
The difficulty 'above' does not appear in identifying the 'family' of this young John
Hender, age 12, but rather his exact immediate parentage. According to birth
certificate, he is the son of Elizabeth Hender and thence grandson of Thomas
Hender and Ann Langsford as he appears with that family on the 1841 Census at
age of 2. And unless Ann had a child at age 56, not impossible but unlikely,
John Hender age 2 in 1841 and age 12 in 1851, must be the son of either
Elizabeth, which would make him base, or Thomas [Langsford] Hender at his age
of about 22 (Christened in 1819), or even John Hender, not at home, but would
be but age about 17 (Christened in 1824), or even another son/daughter who
never made the record books. The birth certificate transcription provided by
the OPC would make him the son of Elizabeth Hender. John seems to appear in
the 1861 Census at age 21 in Lanreath, ED4, Folio 38 Page 9 as a 'Plow Man'
born in St Neot, farm servnt of William Searle. And if this is all correct,
at age 30 (rounded?) in Pelynt, ED5 Folio 56 Page 16, married to Rebecca
M. and children Elizabeth M. Hender and Thomas J. Hender. There it confirms
he being born in St Neot and St Neot is a part of the greater district of
Liskeard or the Borough District of Liskeard. In 1891 census he is in Lanreth
ED3 Folio 26 Page 8, age 52 and born St Neot with wife Rebecca and son Charles.
And in 1881 again Lanreth, age 41 born st Neot with wife Rebecca and sons
Thomas and Charles E Hender.
**Take care in finding John Hender a father.
There was a stigma of
being born while at the Workhouse in Liskeard. John Hender will
always list his birth as St. Neot but there is none there. Both
a birth record and a parish baptism record for John Hender has
no father listed, mother named Elizabeth (Hender) as John takes
his mother's maiden name. In St. Neot there is a natural born son
of an Elizabeth, Christened 1 Jan. 1839 and named John Kent (her
maiden name). This Elizabeth Kent marries on 5 August 1841 to a
William Rundle 10 years her senior. They appear on the 1851 Census
as husband and wife with son John Kent Rundule age 12,
a son born 1839, they being married in 1841. There are another Johns
Christened in St Neot from 1838-1840 but none match a John Hender.
There is one John Raynard Langsford, son of John a Cordwainer and his
wife Ann, but that's about as close as it comes. Thus it seems John
Hender took his mother's maiden name with no father. Either he is
told St. Neot was where he was born or his presonal preference is to
report it that way. John Hender is age 2 in 1841 and 12 in 1851
cesus records (see above). A pedigree for John Hender follows below:
More information about record
####### in the Baptisms database
Day Month 15-Mar
Year 1839
Parish Or Reg Dist Liskeard
Forename John
Surname HENDER**
Sex Son
Father Forename
Mother Forename Elizth.
Residence Workhouse
Father Rank Pro
Trans Notes Src: Copy Register
CRO Ref:DDP/126/1/25
Transcriber Frances Kenshole
A confirmation is on the OPC marriage where John Hender's 'father' is named as his mother Elizabeth (see below).
Thomas Hender = Ann(e) Lang(s)ford (See above as John Hender a2 appears Record ###### in Marriages database — OPC
|________ with family on 1841 Census)
name not give = Elizabeth Hender
John Hender** = Rebecca Manning WENMOUTH (Daughter of William)
b21Feb1839 | c24May1841 & Susan Wenmouth)
Liskeard Brgh | Langteglos-by-Fowey
cb15Mar1839 |
Liskeard |
m25Mar1865 |
Lanreath |
| | |
Elizabeth Manning Hender Thomas John Hender Charles Edward Hender
b 13 March 1866 b23 September 1867 b 28 October 1871
Polean, Pelynt Polean, Pelynt Tremain, Pelynt
=Thomas John A'Lee =Cordelia A'Lee* =Lucy Truscott Collings
| |
+William A'Lee +Rebecca Manning
|c3Jul1892/Lansallos |Hender
| +Sarah A'Lee
+Charles Edward A'Lee
| *Cordelia A'Lee-dau of Philip John(s)
+Ethel A'Lee A'Lee son of Thomas & Phillippa A'Lee
|c11Aug1895/Lansallos - More information on marriage found
| in Baptisms database Talland OPC
+Fred A'Lee
For further coverage of the families of John Hender and Rebecca Manning Wenmouth I
send you to Pelynt Parish.
For the fate of the one legged William Hender, son of John Hender and Margaret
Langsford Hender, brother of John, Thomas and Charles, I refer you to the
Now I step back to give the Langsford family from which the two Hender wives derive.
And then I'll turn to John Hender and his wife Mary, John being the son of John Hender
and Margaret Langsford.
Thomas Langsford = Margaret Wills
m20 Apr 1772 | Spinster
St Neot |
| | | | |
| Thomas Langsford Charles Langsford William Langsford John Langsford
| c14 Oct 1772 c22 Jan 1775 c27 Sep 1778 c13 May 1781
| St Neot St Neot St Neot St Neot
| (Bishops Trans) (Parish Reg) m31 May 1804
| (Parish Reg.) St Neot
| =Betty Gerry
| | |
Ann Langsford Margaret Langsford Olympia Lansford
c11 Apr 1784 c15 Apr 1787 c10 Jan 1790
St Neot St Neot St Neot
m26 Dec 1811 m3 Dec 1819
St Neot St Neot
=Thomas Hender =John Hender
(the 2 sisters marry the 2 brothers)
See Above 1851 Census as John Henden 1861 Census
Son of John Hender & Margaret Langsford Enumeration District 14 St Neot
(see above) . . .
of Coomb-House, Ambrose Lake - Labourer Folio 57 Page 15
Robins Cottage - Tin and Copper Miner
422-Labourer 71,Robins Cottage,1,John Hender,Head,M,42,Copper Miner,
John Hender = Mary Chealey (dWilliam S Neot Corn.
c3Sep1820 | c4May1817 &Mary) ,,,Mary Hender,Wife,M,44,,Cardinham Cornwall
St Neot | Cardinham ,,,William Hender,Son,,12,,,St Neot Cornwall
m1Jan1846 | ,,,Charlotte Hender,Dau,,,8,,St Neot Cornwall
Cardinham | ,,,Margaret Hender,Mother,W,,75,Pauper,St Neot Cornwall
d May 1885 |
db 19 May 1885|
St Neot |
Inflam/Lungs |
599 | 816 | |
Mary Jane Hender William Hender Charlotte Hender
cb 26 Oct 1846 cb 15 Apr 1849 cb 6 Feb 1853
St Neot St Neot (A.L.) St Neot (Ambrose Lake)
m 11 Apr 1868 m 17 Sep 1878
St Neot St Neot
= William Meyn =James Lobb
=XSpinster 1871 Census
| Ambrose Lake Enumeration District 14 St Neot
| . . .
Emily Hender** Folio 16 Page 23
cb 12 Apr 1868
St Neot 113,Ambrose Lake,1,John Henner,Head,M,51,,Miner,S Neot C.
,,,Mary Henner,Wife,M,,53,Miner's Wife,Cardinham Cornwall
599 ,,,William Meyne,Sonlaw,M,22,,Miner,St Neot Cornwall
Mary Jane Hender = William Meyn/Mayne ,,,Mary J. Meyne,Dau,M,,24,Miner's Wife,St Neot Cornwall
b 1848a | b 1847a (s/John Meyn) ,,,Emily Meyne, Grndau,,,3,,Cheltenham Glousestershire**
St Neot | St Neot Folio 16 Page 24
m11Apr1868 | ,,,Camilla G Meyne,Dau,,,2,,St Neot Cornwall
St Neot | ,,,Mary J. Meyne,Dau,,,4m,,St Neot Cornwall
_______|__________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| | | |
Camilla Ellen Meyne Mary Jane Mayne William John Mayne Emily Meyne (Grddua**)
b16May1869 b5Mar1871 b23Jan1876/bnov29'75 cb 12 Apr 1868 St Neot
St Neot St Neot St Neot b Cheltenham Gloucestershire RiGhT**
Ambrose Lake Ambrose Lake (As listed on 1871 Census**)
In the 1881 Census Emily Mayne age 13 is a General Servant of the Richard B West family of Liskeard.
More could be said here, but just follow the three ** notes and deduce yourself.
James Lobb, Mason & resident of Deer Park Cot, who married Charlotte Hender, was son of Joseph Lobb
Labourer. James Lobb, Apren. Mason, age 20, St Neot is at household of Richard Marks, Farmer and
Mason on 1871 Census St. Neot. James Lobb, Scholar, age 11, is at home Stengelly with Joseph Lobb
father age 55, St Neot; mother Martha Lobb age 52, Broadoak; and sister Martha Lobb, Scholar, age 7,
St Neot; on the 1861 Census of St Neot. The 18551 Census of St Neot adds three more children to this
family Jane Lobb age 13, St Neot, Mary Lobb age 7, St Neot and Joseph Lobb age 3, St Neot. James is
also there age 10m, St Neot and at Stengelly (house). The 1841 Census adds two more sons, John Lobb
age 9 and William Lobb age 6, Jane and an earlier Mary are also listed at age 3 and 4m. They are
even then at 'Strengilly' with parents Joseph Lobb and wife Martha. It appears that Joseph Lobb
married Martha Talland, 21 October 1828, St Neot, and according to the OPC parish listings they had
eight children, John, William, Jane, Mary, a second Mary, Joseph, James and Martha which all
confirms the census data. The first Mary Lobb died at age 2 of Scarlet fever and was buried 1 June
1843. Mother Martha Lobb appears to have lived to age 93, buried 5 April 1903, St Neot.
Thomas Hender, son of John Hender and Margaret Langsford
This Thomas Hender appears to be the son of John Hender and Margaret Langsford. His Parish
Christening has him listed as Thomas Hendra. On the 1851 Census he is living with his brother
John Hender's family (See Above). His Marriage Record is of St. Neot (both being of full age)
and his father listed as John Hender. Her father is listed as James Trezona. Also note: Fanny
is the nickname for the proper name Frances.
Residence(s): Higher Lantrase, Newhouse Cottages, Newhouse, Lakes Yeat
Occupation(s): Miner
Thomas Hender = Frances/Fanny Trezona
c4Jan1824 | b.1837 Illogan
St Neot | r.Village Arms Inn
m25jun1863 | spinster
G residence | Father: James Trezona
Ambrose Lake |
db 4 Dec 1890 |
St Neot a67 |
| | | | | |
Charles Hender Mary Elizabeth Hender Thomas Henry Hender William Hender John Hender Clara Hender
b1864 b1865 b1869 b1872 b1874 b 25 Juy 1876
Higher Lantrase
cb 27 Mar 1865 cb 3 Dec 1865 cb 28 Feb 1869 cb 24Dec1871 cb19Apr1874 c 17 Sep 1876
St Neot St Neot St Neot St Neot St Neot St Neot
m? m 1904?
= Bessie Stoke Clims.
Berryman? = Bessie Hill?
OLD Australia
*date not possible
per sources stated
daughter Doris
Hender born 1913
Libby Hender source
(Not found in St Neot in 1861 try Illogan-North Hill
(1871 On this Census his wife's name has been muddled and listed as Janny Hender OPC record.)
(1881 On this Census his wife's name is listed as Faney Hender.)
(1891 Census ED2 Callington folio 35 p14 at Fulliford)
(Res. Bray/Camborne Parish - Miner | Poole in Illogan)
James Trezona = Jane Trezona 1851 Census ED 1a Illogan/All Sts. Tuckingmill
b 1803a | b 1805a Folio 354 Page 2&3
Illogan | Illogan 7, Chapel Street, James Trezona, Head, M, 48,, Copper Miner,
c2Oct1803 | Illogan Corn.
Camborne | ,, Jane Trezona, Wife, M,, 46, Miners Wife, Illogan Cornwall
(Son of James | ,, Jane Trezona, Dau, U,, 24, Mine Labourer, Illogan Cornwall
& Margery) | ,, Elizth. Trezona, Dau, U,, 21, Mine Labourer, Illogan Cornwall
| ,, James Trezona, Son, U, 16, Copper Miner, Illogan Cornwall
| ,, Fanny Trezona, Dau, U,, 13, Mine Labourer, Illogan Cornwall
| ,, Henry Trezona, Son,, 11,, Copper Miner, Illogan Cornwall
| ,, Thomas Trezona, Son,, 8,, Copper Miner, Illogan Cornwall
| | | | (Fanny)| | |
Jane Trezona Eliz. Trezona Grace Trezona James Trezona Frances Trezona Henry Trezona Thomas Trezona
b 1827a b 1830a b 1833a b 1835a b 1838a b 1840a b 1843a
Illogan Illogan Illogan Illogan Illogan Illogan Illogan
c2Jun1827 c2Jan1830 c30Mar1833 c26Dec1835
Camborne Camborne Camborne Camborne
m8Jan1853 m25Jun1863 m29Sep1864
Tuckingmill St Neot Tuckingmill
=Henry =Thomas Hender =Jane Richards
Sparnon db20Jun1878 (He 23/She 24)
Tuckingmill db6Dec1871 a32
age 46 Tuckingmill
(1841 Census Enumeration District 4 Civil Parish of Illogan Book 7 Folio 4 Page 1
Includes-of Pool [str?] child Grace Trezona age 8 and Frances Trezona as proper name of Fanny)
(1861 Census Enumeration District 7 Civil Parish of Illogan/All Saints Folio 75 Page 1
Has Fanny Trezona, Boardr, U, 23, Copper Dresser, Illogan Cornwall at Burralls Shop Shed res.
of Anna Rowe, Head, W, 30, Green Grocer, Camborne Cornwall; & Thomas Trezona, U, 18 Boarding at
Chapel Street at John Williams; rest of the Trezona family of James and Jane I do not find any
longer in Illogan in 1861 Census)
(1864 marriage of Henry Trezona age 23 father James (dec'd) to Jane Richards 24 father William
both res. Tuckingmill)
(1854 marriage of James Trezona age 23 father Richard to Lavinia Maegor 19 father William)
(1869 marriage of James Trezona age 21 father John to Elizabeth Mary Weeks 20 father James)
(Majority of Trezona marriages currently listed are of Camborne - none timely for James and
Jane the parents.)
(1853 marriage of Elizabeth Treaona 23 father James to Henry Sparnon 22 father Philip.
James Trezona* = Margery/Margaret Nancarrow
m22Jan1802 | of Illogan
at Illogan |
/Camborne |
Banns27Dec1801 |
- 3&10 Jan |
| | | | | |
James Trezona Grace Trezona Edward Trezona John Trezona Thomas Trenoza Joseph Trezona
c2Oct1803 c14Jul1805 c28Feb1807 c15Apr1809 c1812 c15May1816
Camborne Camborne Camborne Camborne Camborne Camborne
*Perhaps son of James & Elizabeth Trezona, c1Jan1784
The Hannah Hender who marries Francis Lesbiral, 4 December 1862 St Neot, was
daughter of Richard Hender and Ann Eathorne of St Cleer. She was c. 28 August
1836. More can be had on her ancestry upon the St
Cleer page.